High emotional intelligence lol. You write a paragraph criticizing, insulting, and complaining about other people’s opinions rather than accepting the fact that everybody isn't going to think like you therefore not like the same characters you do. Especially negative pessimistic cowardly characters. Differing opinions is what the comment section is for no? I would think people claiming “high intelligence” would know this simple fact.

That high emotional intelligence line had you really feeling some type of way huh? Because out of the whole paragraph the only thing that could be considered an insult and/or criticizing the other commenters would be that line. I even went back to read my post to make sure. Lol 90% of the post is me explaining why I like Keito and why I'm not critical of him. But let us take a step back, their opinion of Keito comes from how he acts and displays his emotions which they are not a fan. "I don't care about Keito." "I don't want to read his story." They have already come to a concensus, and they want to know no more about him. Let's dip into some pieces of emotional intelligence. Self awareness: Why are you so pressed by his personality that you don't care to know more? What was so triggering about him that you don't want his story? Empathy: Understanding that his childhood was rough and therefore shaped his personality; is there no consideration to that? Lol You can have all the opinions you want about Keito, but if his abrasive personality left you not wanting to know about him after his relatively small appearance in this manga my emotional intelligence comment still stands. Lol I can respect that their opinions are formulated from what ever feelings that Keito brought about with his actions, but that doesn't mean they aren't lacking some emotional intelligence. Also just like they can put a comment that they don't want to read his manga, I can also put a comment for them to go and read something else that better suits them. Same egg, different chicken. Lol

It wasn't that deep for me - sorry to burst your bubble, I simply pointed out how bothered you clearly are with other peoples opinions enough to insult them. Your point would have been interesting and less high and mighty without it. The irony and hypocrisy of your so called implied higher emotional intelligence heavy on scoff for opinions differing from yours just because unlike you, other people may not care enough about a negative character interrupting the peace in a smooth sailing story to want to be interested in him. That’s actually a normal reaction for you know, humans. Keito’s actions of being nasty (or abrasive if you like) to the MAIN couple and projecting his issues on innocent people is whats rubbing people wrong. His background doesn't give him a pass (even if you empathize with his past situations) considering he is a independent ADULT with a positive support system around him in his sister and niece in a world that is more accepting than when he was a child hence the legal gay marriage and those things gives him the opportunity and FREEDOM to seek his own happiness but instead he chooses negativity and inaction. He apologized to a child but gave a half assed apology to someone (who’s been nothing but kind to him shown in their past) whom he seems jealous of. Its not difficult to ascertain from the comments the “why” of people not liking him and its okay if they dont want to dig that deep into it, if anything other people aren't as pressed as you are to be interested in him rather than the opposite and that seems to be a source of contention for you but again, insulting people’s intelligence and saying they should read something else is the same tired immature response to differing opinions on public forums - but mostly from children here though. But To each is own!
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Love, I never said they had to read. Lol I specifically said if they don't want to read it to go read something else. All of a sudden that is immature? If they dont care and aren't gonna read it, arent they gonna go and read something else anyway? Its okay for them to say they aren't gonna read and they dont want the story, but I'm immature for telling them go read something else? Also let's be real, the ONLY reason you even responded to my post is because I said I have higher emotional intelligence then some of the people here. Lol If that last sentence simply said, " ...Honey boo boo chile don't read it then. There are some of us that will enjoy his story.." you would have passed my post right on by. Also if anything you were triggered by my lack of empathy about people opinions as much as I was probably triggered by peoples lack of empathy for Keito. Really out here trying to saying Im insulting people, and criticizing people for having low emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is something that can be worked on like anything else. I can have a higher emotional intelligence dealing with this story and Keito as character then someone else, and that is okay. Do you know how many stories and characters I don't have the EI for compared to other people? Alot. But I try to better my EI for it. Even this back and forth you is something I'm using to better my EI. Never have I felt bad about lacking things I can make better. Even with you questioning my maturity level, I'll be better for it. Lol With the way you are coming at me, you would think I was really out here calling people names and things. It's cool though. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Some of you are quite critical about Keito due to his personality and the mistake he made, but I like him for those exact reasons. He is not overly mean or even vindictive, he just has a personality and firm opinions on how things should be based on his life experiences and environment. We all know opinions aren't truth, but that seems to be something he will have to learn and do some introspection on. Which I think he did to some degree after he unintentionally hurt Hiro through Riri. He honestly could have just stuck to his guns, and not have him or Riri apologize at all; too often do we see characters do that, but he didn't. He apologized to Hiro and the father because regardless of his firm opinions, it was never his intention to hurt the children. You can easily see how much he loves them. "I don't care about Keito." "I don't want/need his story." Lol Then honey boo boo chile don't read it. There are some of us that have high emotional intelligence, that will enjoy his story and further character development. Lol Just go read something else~