Yul lost his mother when he was little when she fell down the stairs but his brother Geon believes he saw Yul push his mom down the stairs and actually was jealous of Yul because since he was the youngest his mom payed attention to him more. Geon warns Gyeongsoo to leave Yul and to leave the house. while Gyeongsoo is asleep Geon goes and ties his hands up and blindfolds him and rapes him his plan is to take what Yul loves the most and (i guess wants to make Gyeongsoo fall in love with him could be wrong) so then Gyeongsoo isn't feeling well (has a cold) and goes back to Yuls apartment and Geon goes there too and tells him to leave Yul because he will kill him and then spanks him leaving his butt bruised saying that Yuls expression when he first raped Gyeongsoo wasn't as funny as he thought it was going to be. He then raped him again and thats when his sister comes and sees Gyeongsoo crying and tells him that Yul isn't normal that he barely shows emotion and now that hes with him he starting to act more like a human and that Gyeongsoo should love Yul and not to leave him she later takes him back to the mansion. Apparently Gyeongsoo lost his parents when he was 8 years old in a traffic accident and lived with his grandmother until he was 16 years old and also learn that 3 years ago Yul actually liked Gyeongsoo (he said it himself) that it was like "a switch turned on" and that he was glad that he ran away from him cause he didnt know what he was going to do after that. Yul then searched for him 3 years straight and when he finally found him he decided he would never let go of him in a lifetime and that he loves him. Yul decides to go out with Gyeongsoo to buy clothes for him and while picking clothes for him Yul tells him that it reminded him when he used to pick clothes for him and Gyeongsoo says that he only agreed with him on everything (clothes,food,like things that yul liked) because he didnt want to feel like a jerk.

So then Yul tells Gyeongsoo hes going to be gone for 5 days and to stay at the mansion and also his sister has to leave because of work leaving him by himself. Unfortunately Geon is back from his business trip and sees him, Fast forward to he ties up Gyeongsoo rapes him and tells the maids not to enter that room and finds out Yul will be gone for 5 days.He tortures him and slowly Gyeongsoo kind of reminds him of his mom because he has the same scent as her. Geon finds out about Yuls friends raping him and tell Gyeongsoo to leave Yul and to be with him and that Yul will kill him and Gyeongsoo says that he would rather be with Yul than him. So then geon drugs him and again rapes him and then Yul comes back and since Gyeongsoo is traumatized from what happened he wants Yul to be with him. We find out that Yuls plan was to leave so Geon would rape Gyeongsoo so then he would see something that was more evil than him and that he would forgive Yul and see him as a savior. Geon then tells him why he would do something like that and Yul thanks him and then kicks him down the stairs which leaves him with a fractured leg. Then Yul and gyeongsoo are going to leave(Gyeongsoo finally forgives Yul) the mansion but Geon wants to talk to Gyeongsoo and tells him to leave Yul that hes going to kill him and he responds with "mind your business" thats when Geon tells him Yuls plan and Gyeongsoo sick by it throws up on the floor and walks out he then tells yul how he could do something like that and yul grabs him and tells him to "run away ill follow you til the end of hell" and hugs him and when they arrive home Yul is in the living room thinking when Gyeongsoo tells him that its true that no matter where he goes he will find him and something else(i forgot) and leaves but Yul tells him "i love you" but Gyeonsoo leaves anyway and goes to a bar and the bar tender tells him why is he dressed like that (hes wearing a short sleeve) when its autumn and Gyeongsoo tells him thats hes the only one that worries about him and thats when some guy talking on the phone goes and opens the door and it Dong hyuk.
Damn this took longer than i thought it would oh yeah the reason why im guessing Gyeongsoo didnt leave Yuls house was because he didnt have alot of money( i remeber reading about how Yul didnt want Gyeongsoo to work or find a job) and also in some chapters he would say he didnt have enough in the bank and how he wouldnt find a cheap apartment like the one he used to live in. Also Gyeongsoo never forgave Yul until the later chapters people kept saying the uke was dumb but Gyeongsoo never loved him cause in one chapter when he got drunk and was having sex with Yul and yul was going to kiss him Gyeongsoo told him stop what was he doing and that he wasnt going to forgive him and in another chapter when Yul was having sex with him and kissed him in the forehead Gyeongsoo asked him what he was doing and to hurry up and finish having sex. Yul was trying to make Gyeongsoo fall in love with him again but it wasnt easy which is why he set Geon up.


Thank you so much for this translation summary. I just got done looking at raws 7-47! And I found your translation summary and it really helped a lot. I do have a couple questions though and I hope you can answer them.
1. Why did Yul have Gyeongsoo raped 3 years ago? I know you said he's been looking for him ever since. But why did he do it?
2. Could you tell me what they saying when they were taking a bath in ch. 45? I really wanna know.
3. Did Gyeongsoo sister know he had Yul raped by their brother on purpose? And why does she support how Gyeongsoo treats him?
Please and thank you!

Well in the latest chapter he finds Dong hyuk and has a panic attack so I'm a guess he's going to end up with dong hyuk plus in the cover it shows dong hyuk holding gyeongsoo while yul is touching his hand

okay im trying to answer your question
1. i dont know why yul let his friends rape him, but i guess at that time yul more favor his friends than gyengsoo, so he let his friends taste him.. but something changed in the end the one who rescue gyeongsoo from the raping is yul.
2. gyeongsoo ask yul if he really likes him, he will let gyeongsoo out of that house. he want to return to yul apartment. and yul ask if gyeongsoo really love him back he will have *** at the bathroom and you can guess gyeongsoo have *** with him in order to get out of that house. (from what i see in this scene gyeongsoo trying to accept yul again in his life, because gyeongsoo feel more safer with yul than with his brother)
3. the sister know everything, but she believe somehow gyeongsoo will cure yul mental illness. because ever since yul going out with gyeongsoo, he started to show human emotion. (like washing dishes, nurse gyeongsoo while he sick, etc)

You can say he was shocked that he saw dong hyuk after a long time that he fainted and after going through what he went through I'm not surprised he fainted

Thank u so much!

this shit is so fucked up

You never know he might end up with both of them. I read a few yaoi manga's when the uke chooses both. Some of them had similar plots. One of the semes rapes and abuses the uke in the beginning. And then the other seme is he's hero but he realizes he also loves the seme that raped and abused him too. In the end I just gyeongsoo to be happy and be with who he chooses of his own free will.

thanks so much for the summaries. I could only guess so much from the images. I was also always curious as to why he threw up and all.
Ok so obviously spoiler alert its pretty long
used google translate
so yul finds Gyeongsoo after 3 years of searching for him but when he finds him its to late because Gyeongsoo already found someone else (dong hyuk). So Yul tells his friends to kidnap Dong hyuk and threatens Gyeongsoo to go to the motel room where they raped him 3 years ago. Yul's plan was to let his friends violate dong hyuk while Gyeongsoo watches but Gyeongsoo tells them why don't they do it with him instead(he loves dong hyuk and doesnt want him to suffer). Thats when Yul changes his mind and tells Gyeongsoo their going to have sex in front of dong hyuk. when their about to have sex Gyeongsoo asks Yul if he's going to promise not to mess with Dong Hyuk which Yul agrees. Fast forward after the sex scene( btw Gyeongsoo didn't kiss Yul because he wanted to it was because Yul told him to) Yul tells him that he's going to move in with him and Gyeongsoo tells him that wasn't the plan but Yul forces him to. Also Gyeongsoo DOES NOT LOVE Yul in one of the chapters when Gyeongsoo gets drunk and is having sex with Yul and he's about to kiss him Gyeongsoo tells him what is he doing and that he will never forgive him for letting his friends do that to him and one of the before chapters yul asked him if he regretted confessing to him and Gyeongsoo said that he does (not face to face). So apparently Yul has 2 older siblings a older brother (Choi Geon) and a older sister (forgot her name)(she likes Gyeongsoo but as a friend) and his sister tells Gyeongsoo if he wants to come along with them to their house which he agrees to. When they arrive their house is actually a mansion which has maids , while over there Gyeongsoo eavesdrops on Yul's sister talking to Choi Geon and Gyeongsoo wants to know how he looks like but by accident he loses his balance and opens the door wide and see's them. Geon storms off and in other room Yul is sitting on the coach while other people are talking things behind his back which gets him upset.