Yeah, this. And how I understand it is when Yuder came back he had incomplete memories, but he didn't notice that because you can't notice you're missing something you don't even remember you're supposed to remember, you know? And when people have parts missing in their memories, their brains fill it in with the most plausable scenario, that's how our brains work, all of us have a bunch of memories we are misremembering. So in Yuder's case he only started to suspect he has missing memories when he started having these dreams that were filling in the gaps in his memory he didn't even know he had.

For future reference, guys, instead of asking for a link, look the novel up yourselves
If it's not easily searchable already. This is one of the easiest to find. Okay? First place you check is look up the novel on novelupdates. What you want to see is wether the novel is licensed or not, how many chapters in total and how many translated. Then you scroll to find who translates it and you look up the website based on the name of the group. And if it's licensed, you can go to the official site and buy the chapters there, like, for example Dead Man's Switch is on t a p a s.
So I binged almost 400 chapters in 4 days…I must have missed something in my haste.
I’m very confused about yuders missing memories? when was it first mentioned? Is he missing a chunk from a period of time or is it spread out?