Haven’t read yet

SJ02 December 14, 2024 10:09 pm

I haven’t read it yet, just part with Na Hwajin (I’m down bad for him). So far, honestly weird. He actually IS usually the kind of guy who cares if someone did or didn’t kill someone, the person who tries to find out the truth and help actual victims. Whole TRPA is based on fixing criminals (in extreme ways), so what’s that talk that he doesn’t believe people can be fixed? They better give him a good reason cause so far it seems very out of character for him

    John Wick January 9, 2025 9:16 am
    Yeah, I do plan on it. Are there any well-written strong female characters there? Tbh my only problem with Lookism is their terrible writing of women, otherwise it’s incredible SJ02

    I don’t believe there are any, tbh. I’ve read a few manhwas with decent female leads, but they’re not quite the same genre as SC or MK. A couple that come to mind, which incorporate fantasy elements, are Unholy Blood and my personal favorite, Reminiscence Adonis. There are a plethora of other similar manhwas, but their names escape me at the moment. If you’re after something strictly martial arts or fight-focused with a female protagonist, I’d suggest giving Girls of the Wild a try. It’s been sitting on my reading list for ages, but I’ve yet to find the time to properly delve into it, however, people really liked it so I guess that's a plus!

    John Wick January 9, 2025 9:24 am
    Tbh, I don’t think Lookism characters would count as pure skill in MCU They would def me labeled as superhuman cause MCU may be unrealistic but even they ain’t this absurd hahahaha SJ02

    Yeah for sure, lookism top tiers would be far closer to superhumans rather than your typical street leveler, the only character (among the street level chars ofc) within the MCU that has the potential to shatter a boulder with a hit is Spiderman but he's a flat out superhuman+ when he goes all out so I don't think he truly counts as a street level character lol, the rest of them don't operate anywhere near close to that level, at least not regularly.

    John Wick January 9, 2025 9:25 am
    I would be too. I’m all for overpowered main characters, but if we have a collab between couple of them and know their strength scale then I ain’t gonna be as forgiving with absurd storylines SJ02

    You and me both, sister.

    John Wick January 9, 2025 9:32 am
    Also! Idk if you’ve read it but I absolutely love Eleceed. So well written and entertaining, I binged it so hard I failed one my exams :’) SJ02

    Oh, that's easily one of the best manhwas I've read but I dropped it at around chpt 240, just when things started getting good bahahaha, had a lot on my plate at the time and never managed to pick it back up. Now I've forgotten most of the plot so I'd have a to do a complete reread which feels like quite the hassle, it's currently sitting at over 300 chapters... ughhh

    Rip the exam tho, somewhat relatable xD

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 11:47 am
    I don’t believe there are any, tbh. I’ve read a few manhwas with decent female leads, but they’re not quite the same genre as SC or MK. A couple that come to mind, which incorporate fantasy elements, are ... John Wick

    I heard of that one, have it in my reading list as well. Honestly, it doesn’t have to be a female protagonist, I’m just so over writing women as sex objects or damsels-in-distress that only personality trait is to fawn over ML. That’s why I like Eleceed so much, probably best written women I’ve seen in an action manhwa. They are strong, have personalities and aren’t objectified. It really sucks that majority of PTJ stories have everything done great except their female characters, they really are trash. In Lookism even the ones that have actually been proven to be strong, I mean Crystal is one of the geniuses, don’t even get any screen-time? A lot of people try to excuse it that people would complain about violence against women if women were to fight, but that’s such nonsense. I mean looking at True Education, Arcane, Killer Peter etc, like no one has an issue with that there. Such a poor excuse

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 11:49 am
    Yeah for sure, lookism top tiers would be far closer to superhumans rather than your typical street leveler, the only character (among the street level chars ofc) within the MCU that has the potential to shatte... John Wick

    Yeah, I guess Marvel tries to stay somewhat realistic

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 11:53 am
    Oh, that's easily one of the best manhwas I've read but I dropped it at around chpt 240, just when things started getting good bahahaha, had a lot on my plate at the time and never managed to pick it back up. N... John Wick

    I actually attempted to read it 3 times before it actually stuck, but when it stuck, it REALLY STUCK hahahah. Right now I’m marinating it (I always with action manhwas catch up and then l let it sit for like 20 chapters to catch up again and repeat). I had to reread like 200 chapters of Lookism before, for the same reason as you so yeah hhahahah Had no idea who the characters were and what was going on, didn’t remember. I probably will have to re-read entire WindBreaker cause took a break from it due to stressful moment in the story and was waiting for it to pass, over 200 chapters later and it still didn’t pass… So yeah

    John Wick January 9, 2025 12:22 pm
    I heard of that one, have it in my reading list as well. Honestly, it doesn’t have to be a female protagonist, I’m just so over writing women as sex objects or damsels-in-distress that only personality trai... SJ02

    Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more. It’s utterly pointless, and then it devolves into a harem which is something I truly abhor in action-packed fantasy stories with a decent plot. It completely undermines the narrative. There’s no reason to introduce characters whose sole purpose is to fawn over the protagonist; it’s detrimental to the story as a whole.

    I don’t mind romance at all, but it needs to be done right. Female characters should have distinct traits and well rounded personalities. Take, f.e, The Greatest Estate Developer manhwa (GOATED asf), it features some brilliant female characters. The queen, for instance, is strong and genuinely well-written. I don’t want to spoil anything, but if you haven’t read it yet, then what can I say... you’re seriously missing out a lot, ya gotta give it a read sometime. I'm currently waiting for updates while rereading the last 25 chapters of "The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years" (good shit, the plot starts to thicken towards the latest chapters, it's still ongoing).

    John Wick January 9, 2025 12:31 pm
    Yeah, I guess Marvel tries to stay somewhat realistic SJ02

    In the MCU, yeah true. The comics are a completely different story though, especially when it comes to feats. The main issue lies in the sheer number of writers, each bringing their own unique approach to the characters they’re handling. This makes it incredibly difficult to find consistency in power levels or even a middle ground, particularly for the more overpowered characters. Street-levelers, on the other hand, tend to remain relatively consistent despite the varying writers.

    As a huge Batman fan, I can confidently say the guy is absolutely insane in some storylines. Just recently, he used Supergirl’s own weight to counter her speed blitz and physically threw her away... I mean, come on! I know he’s Batman, but that’s just ridiculous. And here’s the kicker, he’s not even the best martial artist in DC, that title belongs to Lady Shiva.

    It really highlights how convoluted power scaling can get in DC and Marvel, largely due to the sheer number of writers involved. In contrast, manhwas and manga tend to avoid this issue, which is honestly a bit refreshing and I love it.

    John Wick January 9, 2025 12:41 pm
    I actually attempted to read it 3 times before it actually stuck, but when it stuck, it REALLY STUCK hahahah. Right now I’m marinating it (I always with action manhwas catch up and then l let it sit for like ... SJ02

    Bahahah tell me about it! I've got the same problem, you start a series, take a break and then when you come back to it, it's like "who the heck are these people? What's going on" and then you'll have to reread it from the start, which is akin to biking uphill, kinda tiring but Ig if it's worth it then it's worth it.

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 12:55 pm
    Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more. It’s utterly pointless, and then it devolves into a harem which is something I truly abhor in action-packed fantasy stories with a decent plot. It completely undermines th... John Wick

    I agree so much! I hate harems with a burning passion, but I also usually don’t like romance in pure action either. It’s alright if it’s a genuinely interesting FL, she doesn’t exist just to be a love interest, and they have a lot of chemistry, however most of the times that’s not the case. Tbh, even in Solo Leveling (I’m glad romance was kept to side stories) even tho FL was strong, their major connection was just her having a crush on him. I don’t think they had chemistry built up throughout the story). The greatest developer I didn’t read cause idk, art style is super important to me and that one isn’t really my type.
    However, when it comes to female characters, some people also mistake their sheer existence for harem??? Which is also annoying. There is this manhwa I’m reading and like 50% (I think around that, maybe a little more, but genuinely not like a majority), especially the major character, are women. And I see SO MANY men complaining that it’s harem and whatnot, when only one of those characters is actually into MC??? You know there was actually a study that showed that when there’s 50%, or even a bit less, in a conversation then men perceive that as a female dominated environment. Those guys in those comments made me think of that study. It’s honestly absurd, especially when they have no issue when manhwa is 99% just men.
    But yeah, action has quite an issue with writing good female characters

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 12:58 pm
    In the MCU, yeah true. The comics are a completely different story though, especially when it comes to feats. The main issue lies in the sheer number of writers, each bringing their own unique approach to the c... John Wick

    Tbh, I didn’t read comics (they are too expensive, and there’s so many versions etc, it’s hard to even know where to start). But yeah, I guess power scale in manhwa is a lot more consistent, but sometimes it can be absurd too

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 12:59 pm
    Bahahah tell me about it! I've got the same problem, you start a series, take a break and then when you come back to it, it's like "who the heck are these people? What's going on" and then you'll have to reread... John Wick

    To be fair, there are some manhwas I wish to forget and reread (Eleceed , I loved it so much I wanted to reread right after finishing it)

    John Wick January 9, 2025 1:44 pm
    I agree so much! I hate harems with a burning passion, but I also usually don’t like romance in pure action either. It’s alright if it’s a genuinely interesting FL, she doesn’t exist just to be a love i... SJ02

    I completely understand where you’re coming from, the art plays a significant role. It took some time but that style of artwork eventually grew on me, and I ended up falling in love with the series.

    Honestly I have no idea about the comments. I rarely read them, and believe it or not, this is literally the first time I’ve interacted with anyone on this site in over five years, lol. Reading manhwas is just a hobby for me, and seeing people take it too seriously can really kill the mood, you know? Bringing up topics like sexism in something meant to bring joy or provide a temporary escape from reality feels like such a massive L.

    That's an intriguing study. I get why some people dislike having all-female casts in action manhwas, some hate it for good reasons when it feels forced and others just do it purely for hate, or in other words, incels, yes they do exist in all platforms, and you shouldn't pay any mind to them. Personally, I don’t mind an interesting FL at all, in fact, most of my friends (both genders) enjoy FL stories but dislike female characters that feel like they’ve been thrown in just for the sake of it with no real substance or contribution to the overall story. All in all, I like to think of it as a matter of preference rather than anything deeper. Otherwise, it delves into complicated territory I’d much rather avoid entirely.

    That having been said, I also understand the frustration when a story starts pushing particular narrative about men or women, to the point where it feels like the author(s) is forcibly pushing their ideology onto the readers. The moment a decent story (regardless whether it's manhwa, manga, or comics) veers in that direction, I drop it instantly. I'm just built that way (I'm certain most people are too).

    John Wick January 9, 2025 1:52 pm
    Tbh, I didn’t read comics (they are too expensive, and there’s so many versions etc, it’s hard to even know where to start). But yeah, I guess power scale in manhwa is a lot more consistent, but sometimes... SJ02

    Lmao, relatable. I don’t bother buying them anymore. I just read them online. There are plethora of sites where you can read them. I started reading comics around 2012–2014, and I felt completely lost at first too. To make it easier, I focused on the mainstream universes, Earth Prime for DC and Earth-616 for Marvel (at the time DC's mainstream universe was killed in flashpoint event and New 52 Earth was introduced but in 2016 they basically rebooted their universe and reverted back into the old one, by killing off their characters and emerging some of them 'cause that's what the fans wanted). I also explored Elseworld stories (multiverse tales, crossovers, and so on), which eventually helped me get back on track.

    I know this doesn’t exactly make it easier for someone just starting out with comics, it’s definitely a hot mess right now, but I figured I’d share my experience since I’m such a fan, lol.

    John Wick January 9, 2025 1:57 pm
    To be fair, there are some manhwas I wish to forget and reread (Eleceed , I loved it so much I wanted to reread right after finishing it) SJ02

    Based. For me it's "the returner's magic should be special" - it is the best manhwa I've ever read, I actually reread it twice. It's complete now, I recommend reading it, if you're into action packed fantasy genre with decent character development then it is definitely for you, and the artwork isn't half bad so you don't need to worry.

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 2:35 pm
    I completely understand where you’re coming from, the art plays a significant role. It took some time but that style of artwork eventually grew on me, and I ended up falling in love with the series.Honestly I... John Wick

    Yeah if story is good then I can also move past the art style, but it honestly really depends.
    On this I have to disagree though. I think bringing up important topics (when they are relevant) is very important. Criticism where the criticism is due should be shared even if the story is just meant to bring joy. I think a lot of people get emotionally invested in the story and that’s normal, so do I. That’s kind of the point of storytelling. Of course some people take it to the extreme, however to not notice that fiction does impact our reality would be ignorant. So, yeah, I do think that if story is genuinely problematic then authors should be held accountable for it. Media are a very powerful tool.
    When it comes to sexism especially, it’s kinda what you said isn’t it? About author pushing ideologies onto readers? Just it usually may not feel as much like it if it’s not directed at you. People say that pretty much only when it comes to progressive stuff, but never really when it comes to old-fashioned ones. Which is a bit ironic, because the feeling about forced ideologies is the same for the other side when it comes to what we deemed normal. The only reason a lot of things feel forced is because they weren’t represented before like things that we now consider common. Of course, there are things that are 100% forced and very in your face (like a lot of live action adaptations), but very often people complain even if they aren’t at all. Often it is smth deeper than a preference. Of course it’s not always the case, as Arcane is one of the most progressive shows and it’s popularity is crazy because of how well written it is, but I think you know what I mean. So, I think this subject is also subjective.

    SJ02 January 9, 2025 2:40 pm
    Based. For me it's "the returner's magic should be special" - it is the best manhwa I've ever read, I actually reread it twice. It's complete now, I recommend reading it, if you're into action packed fantasy ge... John Wick

    I have it on my reading list! The best manhwa I’ve ever read quality wise, honestly could be Omniscient Readers Viewpoint. World building is crazy, chemistry between characters, writing of female characters, art-style. Everything is peak. Lookism would also be up there if it wasn’t for their trash female characters and a bit absurd power scale But the world building and character design is also insane (I love how every side character has genuine backstory and great importance for the story).

    John Wick January 9, 2025 8:45 pm
    Yeah if story is good then I can also move past the art style, but it honestly really depends.On this I have to disagree though. I think bringing up important topics (when they are relevant) is very important. ... SJ02

    My apologies lass, I had a long day, couldn't respond in time. I get what you’re saying, and I think you make a rather fair point. Fiction does indeed have an impact on reality, and it’s true that ignoring that entirely would be a bit shortsighted. Media is a powerful tool, and when it perpetuates harmful stereotypes or ideologies, it can reinforce those in the real world. That’s why it’s important for creators to reflect on their work, like f.e example the drama that happened with True Education, at one point the author(s) gave a misrepresentation of black people, you know the stereotype of your average black person is ugly, and it backfired on the team responsible for publishing the manhwa but it was later fixed so when authors are willing to acknowledge and correct those mistakes, it shows growth and responsibility, which is something I respect. What really gets to me, though, is when people blow things out of proportion for childish reasons. Take a manhwa that’s supposed to focus on female characters and their stories, it’s always the same small group that complains about having an all-female cast. Like, brother if you don’t like it, don’t read it, yeaht? But they still find a way to whine about it regardless. The same goes for people who hate all-male casts, yeah misandry is a thing, but honestly, the ones who complain about all-female casts seem to be the loudest in the room. It’s such a frustrating double standard, and I fully understand why it would annoy you and it's well within your rights to point it out. Personally, I don’t let it bother me too much because I don’t pay much attention to it, but I can see how it can ruin the experience for others.

    That said, I think it’s also about balance. Storytelling is meant to entertain, but it can also challenge perspectives and start conversations. However, when a story starts feeling like it’s more focused on pushing a specific narrative than telling a good story, that’s where it loses me. For me, the escapism and enjoyment are a big part of why I read these works in the first place. When it becomes too preachy or one-sided, it can feel like the author is prioritizing their ideology over the characters and plot, which just isn’t my thing.

    I think you’re right that some people might overreact or complain about things that aren’t actually forced, especially when it’s something new or different from the norm. But at the same time, I feel like it’s valid for readers to voice their frustrations if something genuinely feels out of place or poorly executed. Representation matters, but it needs to be done with care and depth. A well-written character, regardless of their gender or background, can resonate with anyone. It’s when characters feel like they’re added just to tick a box that people start to disengage, myself included.

    In the end, I guess it really does come down to personal preference and how each person interprets the story. For me, if a story handles these topics in a way that feels natural and adds to the narrative, I’m all for it. But if it starts to feel like a lecture or an agenda, I’d rather move on to something else. That’s just how I approach it, but I appreciate hearing your perspective, it’s given me something to think about.

    John Wick January 9, 2025 8:56 pm
    I have it on my reading list! The best manhwa I’ve ever read quality wise, honestly could be Omniscient Readers Viewpoint. World building is crazy, chemistry between characters, writing of female characters, ... SJ02

    Oh yeah, I actually started ORV about three months ago and then completely forgot it existed, lmao. I’ve only read the first three chapters so far. I’ll definitely pick it back up when I have more time on my hands. Speaking of manhwas with great world-building, The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life comes to mind. The plot, the suspense etc it’s got every element a solid fantasy story needs. Even the art is beautiful. You just have to bear with it for the first 19 chapters, where it’s more of a "decent 7/10". But after chpt 19, it levels up to a masterpiece, IMHO. I think it’s definitely worth it.

    That said, I should let you know it has no romance element and barely any female characters, which might be a bit of a downer for you, understandably so. But since you’re into a story that focuses heavily on character growth, strategy, and a well-built fantasy world, I’d say give it a shot!