Absolutely, Na Hwajin is undoubtedly stronger and far more skilled than Gamin. While Gamin is certainly no slouch, taking down a group of adult gangsters is no small feat, and he’s far from your average high school fighter but it’s important to consider that Hwajin is implied to surpass even his colleague, the red head chick from Hanlim Gym, skill-wise. She herself has demonstrated Gamin-level feats, effortlessly dispatching dozens of gangsters despite being several weight classes below them etc. Moreover, she hails from the same special forces unit as Na Hwajin, which speaks volumes about her combat abilities.
Hell, even one of the new TRPA recruits (whose name escapes me at the moment, though she’s an absolute brute and a brilliant character) has shown Gamin-tier feats, yet she’s hilariously outclassed by the redhead in terms of skill. To summarise, the scaling goes like this: Na Hwajin >> Redhead >>>>>> High school brute. This makes the scenario of Gamin and Im Dajun needing to team up just to make Na Hwajin break a sweat entirely plausible, he’s indeed that overpowered.
Side note: as for the concern about Na’s behavior seeming slightly out of character, it’s worth noting that the kidnapped child is indirectly tied to his fiance's murder. As seen in True Education (read it for additional context), Na tends to enter a berserk state whenever he encounters anyone associated with her death. While the child was neither aware of the tragedy nor directly responsible for it, the situation remains an understandably sensitive and deeply personal matter for Na Hwajin, hence the somewhat erratic behavior.
I wrote bibles verses, sorry about that lads xd

See! I totally agree. I get Gamin is very strong, but that’s within his own universe, Hwajin is another level. Gamin is outstanding as a high school fighter (and common gangster level), but Hwajin is outstanding in spectrum of even special forces. It’s just not comparable, I would be shocked if he had any issues with them. Also, even high school level wise, if Gamin was compared to people from for example Lookism, I think he would fall really short too. I would be curious where Hwajin would fall on Lookism spectrum tho just cause people in that manhwa are so unrealistically and crazy overpowered that it doesn’t even really make sense at all (like all villains have crazy plot armor). I know they are completely different universes, but since they are also about high schoolers I wanted to add that in.
Also, if it’s about his fiancé then makes sense.

It’s a shared universe, so both of them exist within the same continuity, but I see your point, no worries lad. Lookism does feature characters with utterly absurd feats such as being able to destroy wrecking balls with a single punch which is far beyond street level, it’s outright superhuman. With that in mind, I’d say the top-tier characters in True Education and Study Group would likely rank as mid tier at best within Lookism, although I've heard Hanlim Gym (the red head chick first appeared there) got stronger feats, even comparable with Lookism but I'm not sure how credible this information is given that I've yet to finish Hanlim Gym.
That said, it’s all fictional, and the author has the creative liberty to do as they please. A high schooler defeating a highly trained operative from a secretive anti-terrorism unit might seem implausible, but it’s entirely possible in this context. After all, we’ve seen it happen before in other manhwas, take Viral Hit, for example - the protagonist, a 17 yo high schooler, managed to defeat a special forces dude, which made absolutely no sense, yet it still happened.

I haven’t finished Viral Hit and read it a while ago, so I have to restart the whole thing, but I think the difference is that in Viral Hit it’s all side characters so we don’t know how strong they really are in their universes, however here we do know kind of the strength scale and how high Hwajin really is on it and how his skills compare to others. Cause otherwise, going that way, big criminals shouldn’t be so easy to defeat either yet Gamin did it. So, I think it’s a bit different situation than in Viral Hit (like there you also have, if I remember correctly, some super skilled Yakuza guy who also realistically someone like the MC shouldn’t be able to take on).
Also, I’m a chic and not a lad hahahaha

And in Lookism breaking wrecking ball is one thing, but also Gun fighting like literally hundreds of people, including super strong main/side characters we know full stories and skills of, including some with guns (I think) and coming out unscathed? I love that webtoon and I like overpowered characters, but villains in Lookism even I find a bit ridiculous They seriously have some S-tier MC plot armors.

Honestly, it’s been ages since I last read Viral Hit, but I do recall some absolutely insane feats from nearly every character in that series. For instance, the Taekwondo champion dude who could bend metal with his kicks and take on ten opponents single handedly - his father, if I’m not mistaken, is a friend of Manager Kim (who appeared in lookism, humiliated some of top tier lads there without even trying - he's even more OP in his own series), and they’re both elites among elites within the military (anti-terrorism units that operates on a global scale and later became contractors). Then there’s the Judo nerd-looking guy who’s ridiculously durable, capable of shattering concrete with his punch etc. And, if memory serves, the MC managed to defeat both of them, and bear in mind they're all a bunch of high schoolers

Couldn't agree more, it's absolutely ridiculous and I love it XD - considering I'm also (or rather used to be) a DC/Marvel fan (especially street tier characters), lookism characters can give them a run for their money. In fact, the top tiers in Lookism could likely carve out a reputation among DC and Marvel’s best martial artists, barring those with special abilities.

Oh and my point is, since it’s all fiction, anything can happen. For all we know, we might even see a bloodlusted Gamin take on the TRPA’s top tiers in a 1v3 scenario, including Na Hwajin himself. Who’s to say what’s next? Only the author has control over that but I'd be honestly disappointed if Gamin beats Na Hawjin for reasons we both know xD

I mean, duh, of course anything can happen since it’s fiction. However, not everythIng will make sense and make a consistent story. Imo if Gamin just suddenly takes out Hwajin “cause he’s that good of a fighter” I would just find that as bad writing. They would have to give him some complex and insane plan to make me believe that him taking Hwajin out was at all possible
I haven’t read it yet, just part with Na Hwajin (I’m down bad for him). So far, honestly weird. He actually IS usually the kind of guy who cares if someone did or didn’t kill someone, the person who tries to find out the truth and help actual victims. Whole TRPA is based on fixing criminals (in extreme ways), so what’s that talk that he doesn’t believe people can be fixed? They better give him a good reason cause so far it seems very out of character for him