baby girl, im talking about the heteronamative character design that is present in 90% of korean bl. how they make one character look like a girl and make the other a giant. no one's mentioning sexual roles here. i binge read this whole webtoon in 2 days. im pretty sure the author made clear during the whole thing that they are a flex couple, it being something i really enjoyed because there was no dominant one (they both acted when they were feeling it). they behaved like normal people. and it was all good and then, by the end, the author went "oh let me take their nice body anatomy and their distinguished personalities and turn them into characters of every other bl porn that there is".

That’s literally not what happened lmaooo . The guy had a hormonal issue that made him smaller than average, did you really expect him to suddenly grow tall like other people? Even if he got the treatment he needed (hormones in this case), that wouldn’t magically make him tall. People with severe hormonal issues often end up significantly shorter and with other physical characteristics tied to their condition.
Plus, he always looked more feminine, his face didn’t change, his height didn’t change. On the other hand, the other guy grew tall and broad because he didn’t have any health issues. So, this whole "they ruined their body anatomy and personalities" argument doesn’t make sense because their personalities stayed the same. You're just mad that a man with a disability looks like his condition affects him, which is pretty weird, tbh.
And that « heteronormative » man argument doesn’t even apply here because the smaller, more feminine guy isn’t even the bottom! That directly contradicts the typical heteronormative BL dynamic you’re talking about. If anything, this webtoon is subverting those expectations, not reinforcing them.
Sounds like you’re just upset over realistic character design.
And if you’re wondering why the roles matter. It’s bcs typically, the top is the “masculine” one—tall, dominant, etc.—while the bottom is smaller and “feminine,” mimicking straight gender roles. But in this story, the smaller, more feminine guy is the top, which breaks that stereotype. So yeah, the roles are actually relevant here.
just got in the end before the side story. and i have a HUGE pet peeve about it. why WHY the author had to go and make dongchan grow up so much and jiwoo suddenly look so feminine??? no, i get he was sick and all but that was not a hormonal treatment, come on.
again, korean authors show this weird prejudice about gay relationships. that idea that you HAVE to look like a straight couple for it to work. that one has to look like a girl and the other has to be super tall.
and they did it to sunny TOO. seriously, it's a small thing that pisses me off so much. because it comes from rooted homophobia.
during the whole webtoon, it was really great. then why??