yeah I feel too invested in the current dynamic, and given the age difference and their circumstances, it just feels RIGHT the way it is. It's fairly normal for a young kid his age to develop a crush on an older person, who hasn't had an innocent crush at that age... and the MC is looking after him because he's trying to make up for all the things he couldn't do for his own younger sister, to protect and provide for him.. and so for MC to suddenly even see the kid in a sexual light would feel extremely weird and would ruin the relationship and dynamic - even if it happens when the kid is older.
I'm on chapter 15 and I feel like the author established too strong of a found family, parent/kid dynamic for this to turn sexual naturally. Like, at this point if it turned romantic I'm gonna feel so uncomfortable. I think the author missed the jump where they could do that so now it's gonna feel so weird and gross
I think the author is writing the wrong genre lol. It says smut so it's clearly still gonna be endgame but the only way I could see them together in a way that isn't THAT weird atp is if there's a major timeskip or something but even then idk. Author... you missed your chance and made it confusing lolll