Basically it was during a scene where ilmi was crying once again after she attempted to jump off a bridge and huiseong stopped her. And in the process of them talking, while they were talking about the topic of regrets, huiseong was relating and saying he also regrets and wish he could still be with chaeri and should’ve just supported her- and then ilmi basically snapped cause she can’t stand hearing chaeri’s name lmao.
She was thinking like: “you’re not thinking about me right now? But chaeri?!” And so she decided that she would rather become his enemy since he was the “first to turn his back on her.” Which led to her just confessing the truth in order to see him be mad. I guess she fully hates him cause he’s not on her side anymore lollll, deserved.
NOOO it just got worse. Saw spoilers online that heeseung is currently dating yeonju(?), the girl with the light hair that hates chaeri. And then there’s a scene of them KISSING. Made me SICKKKK.
On the bright side, it looks SO OBVIOUS that heeseung does not look even a little bit happy(no smile 24/7), constantly having a cold look on his face even as he’s doing that stuff, like seducing her. Though not confirmed in words, but I can easily guess that he’s plotting for revenge and playing her. Cause ilmi personally told him her plan, that she herself was the one that spread the rumor on the internet about chaeri. Though idk how he got the info that yeonju was also doing shady stuff against chaeri, but he looks like he’s on the move of a revenge story rn lmao. Didn’t need to see that kiss scene tho. It’s one thing hearing about it, it’s another having to visibly see it