
I know what you mean… like I read the ending and the moral of this season is noble (democracy etc), but holy shit the plot suffers heavily. They pushed the side story about characters that no one cares enough about, then somehow made those characters so unlikeable????
Ss 1 was the best for me and I will leave it at that.
Where did this child come from? Who even is she? Why is she 5 years old and as bland as boiled
Chicken. I don’t even remember her name she’s thay irrelevant. AND WEVE NEVER SEEN THEM INTERACT AS A FAMILY? It feels so shoved into the story that I can’t even enjoy it. I know this season is more kind of just slice of lifey but like… is there like a plot? Maybe the girl becoming king but that’s not interesting at all…. I love season 1 so much, but I think I’ll pretend season 2 doesn’t exist anymore.. #-.-)