I love mc and yuuri. This isn’t like the other stories where the mc was neglectful cause she was too much in love with the emperor and was just a jackass, but because everybody else stopped her from spending time with her son and seeing him get pulled away from her was heartbreaking. I really hope we get at least a few chapters of the ml’s pov where we see him fully wallowing in regret, before they actually both fall in love with each other, cause this man deserves so much pain, even if he’s emotionally stupid. Like, hgggfff he’s annoying the shit outta me, and mc better not forgive him easily.
I want him to also find out the pain mc has gone through and what happened in the previous timeline and how fucked everything became because of his actions. He may not have wanted that outcome, but being ignorant doesn’t just absolve him of all fault. He chose to stay ignorant and not reach out, when he fully could’ve, as he had the most power in that situation.
Also, I hope the reason Lucas was there was because maybe the past yuuri and him had bonded over their bad home life situations or something. Like, they both decided to kill their families because they didn’t have the love they should’ve gotten. Like, they both got mentally screwed with because of it and built a brotherly bond to help them both get some twisted type of revenge, rather than it being cause Lucas manipulated yuuri.
I love mc and yuuri. This isn’t like the other stories where the mc was neglectful cause she was too much in love with the emperor and was just a jackass, but because everybody else stopped her from spending time with her son and seeing him get pulled away from her was heartbreaking. I really hope we get at least a few chapters of the ml’s pov where we see him fully wallowing in regret, before they actually both fall in love with each other, cause this man deserves so much pain, even if he’s emotionally stupid. Like, hgggfff he’s annoying the shit outta me, and mc better not forgive him easily.
I want him to also find out the pain mc has gone through and what happened in the previous timeline and how fucked everything became because of his actions. He may not have wanted that outcome, but being ignorant doesn’t just absolve him of all fault. He chose to stay ignorant and not reach out, when he fully could’ve, as he had the most power in that situation.
Also, I hope the reason Lucas was there was because maybe the past yuuri and him had bonded over their bad home life situations or something. Like, they both decided to kill their families because they didn’t have the love they should’ve gotten. Like, they both got mentally screwed with because of it and built a brotherly bond to help them both get some twisted type of revenge, rather than it being cause Lucas manipulated yuuri.