How come toxic seme haters are here reading jinx? Oh, I get you (≡^∇^≡) he's so handsome you can't stop reading, you'd prefer him being bo-- kind. You feel odd following each of his actions even though he's a jerk, so you feel the need to trash talk him to feel better after
jinx is now on top of the popular manga in this site rn even the other manhwas that has toxic semes not on the list idk why JJK is #1 :) maybe he is red flag by any chance???? lmaooo
Corny ass comment acting like jaekhyung is a real character is hilarious. You can still read something even if u dislike a character and how is trash talking a FICTONAL character gonna make anyone feel better? Get a grip on reality bro
Corny ass comment acting like jaekhyung is a real character is hilarious. You can still read something even if u dislike a character and how is trash talking a FICTONAL character gonna make anyone feel better? ... mintie_sinshake
bitch!! then what do you say about curse and hate a fictunal character???? praise or appreciation???? stfu and eat the dirty grass you're all just a pathetic dickheads and hypocrites.
Corny ass comment acting like jaekhyung is a real character is hilarious. You can still read something even if u dislike a character and how is trash talking a FICTONAL character gonna make anyone feel better? ... mintie_sinshake
Ofc "You can still read even when u dislike a character" except that the character you hate IS THE SEME OF THIS BL, he's one of the mains!! You hate the mains, you stop reading stop your shit
Ofc "You can still read even when u dislike a character" except that the character you hate IS THE SEME OF THIS BL, he's one of the mains!! You hate the mains, you stop reading stop your shit Shiki
Ofc "You can still read even when u dislike a character" except that the character you hate IS THE SEME OF THIS BL, he's one of the mains!! You hate the mains, you stop reading stop your shit Shiki
…i’m sorry, am i missing something? is jaekyung not supposed to be a character the reader might “love to hate”? isn’t the whole chasing/groveling arc because he’s an asshole who severely mistreated dan? and the catharsis is in seeing him suffer for being an asshole and then…becoming a better person and a more suitable partner for dan when he realizes how awful he was?
…i’m sorry, am i missing something? is jaekyung not supposed to be a character the reader might “love to hate”? isn’t the whole chasing/groveling arc because he’s an asshole who severely mistreated ... Akaito
Bro, author did a great job if he's not your favorite character and I enjoy seeing him suffering too from not seeing Dan, however I'm not cursing him and wishing him to die, which is extreme to hate him to this point, makes me think we're not reading the same thing.
Bro, author did a great job if he's not your favorite character and I enjoy seeing him suffering too from not seeing Dan, however I'm not cursing him and wishing him to die, which is extreme to hate him to this... Shiki
Bro, author did a great job if he's not your favorite character and I enjoy seeing him suffering too from not seeing Dan, however I'm not cursing him and wishing him to die, which is extreme to hate him to this... Shiki
i mean it’s evident the way you interpret this story and its events is different from how i do but i think everyone cursing him and wishing for him to die are having fun in their own way/aren’t being serious. whatever happened to separating fiction from reality? or does that now suddenly not apply to jaekyung. if there’s anyone it’s okay to wish death upon its a fictional character i know i certainly giggled when i thought “i hope he crashes his car” while seeing him driving LOL. but i also think him suddenly dying would snub the story.
Ofc "You can still read even when u dislike a character" except that the character you hate IS THE SEME OF THIS BL, he's one of the mains!! You hate the mains, you stop reading stop your shit Shiki
U can still hate him can u not? And no imma keep reading idgaf he's fictional like we're not sending hate to anyone real why r yall pissed? There's plenty of things where I hate one of the mains and keep reading cuz I can. I even read some stories I dislike, yall are acting like this is brand new. He is literally written to be hateable if he's not well they're doing a bad job at making it otherwise
i mean it’s evident the way you interpret this story and its events is different from how i do but i think everyone cursing him and wishing for him to die are having fun in their own way/aren’t being seriou... Akaito
Dude I'm saying, you can't hate the MAIN of the story to this point! Why you making me repeat, was not clear? You only talking about fictional characters in general
Dude I'm saying, you can't hate the MAIN of the story to this point! Why you making me repeat, was not clear? You only talking about fictional characters in general Shiki
Dude I'm saying, you can't hate the MAIN of the story to this point! Why you making me repeat, was not clear? You only talking about fictional characters in general Shiki
i don't see why you can't hate the main character though. i mean say what you want to say about what people can or can't do, people hate his guts regardless. LOL. like i said, sometimes the point really is to hate the character, or find them distasteful—of course this can apply to the main character, and certainly someone like jaekyung. as the main character he put our other main character through so much emotional and physical what's wrong with hating him for it? especially since we've been given little to no real rhyme or reason for why he acts the way he does.
i don't see why you can't hate the main character though. i mean say what you want to say about what people can or can't do, people hate his guts regardless. LOL. like i said, sometimes the point really is to h... Akaito
i mean if you’re just into what jaekyung and what he does to dan then i guess it makes sense why you wouldn’t hate him or find him annoying and pathetic and whatnot…but that’s not gonna be everyone.
i don't see why you can't hate the main character though. i mean say what you want to say about what people can or can't do, people hate his guts regardless. LOL. like i said, sometimes the point really is to h... Akaito
Repeating again what I said : he is a well-written character if you hate him, umh no even "hate" is too much "dislike" him is the right feeling, I don't say u dont have the right to, author made him detestable on purpose. But some ppl don't understand that, they don't even know what's the author purpose of that, they hate for just for the hate
i mean if you’re just into what jaekyung and what he does to dan then i guess it makes sense why you wouldn’t hate him or find him annoying and pathetic and whatnot…but that’s not gonna be everyone. Akaito
You're so weird on that stop -_- why would I hate him for what he did to Dan? They don't exist, that doesn't mean I approve either. It makes sense why I don't hate him coz he's a fictional character and "hate" is a too strong emotion to feel toward a fictional character. Being a reader I put myself in the 2 characters positions, ppl in the other side imagine themselves being the victim and feel violated...
You're so weird on that stop -_- why would I hate him for what he did to Dan? They don't exist, that doesn't mean I approve either. It makes sense why I don't hate him coz he's a fictional character and "hate" ... Shiki
Repeating again what I said : he is a well-written character if you hate him, umh no even "hate" is too much "dislike" him is the right feeling, I don't say u dont have the right to, author made him detestable ... Shiki
How come toxic seme haters are here reading jinx?
Oh, I get you (≡^∇^≡) he's so handsome you can't stop reading, you'd prefer him being bo-- kind. You feel odd following each of his actions even though he's a jerk, so you feel the need to trash talk him to feel better after