I wish everyone could talk like you do. When people start abusing other people that kind of comments makes me want not to listen them just ignore it people who abuse other just to make their point .they are not worth it.i know its frustrating but all we can do is ignore (⌒▽⌒) .think about good thing :*

Because, sadly, it's not only the mangago community becoming like this but the world over all. Especially internet world. Where do you see a civilized discussion on the internet anymore? Commenting on yt, fb, tumblr etc. is like war all together with people stubbornly standing their ground and don't want to see the arguments of other people.
Like in real life, that's why there are so many controversies lately. People only want to see their own opinion and don't want to other to tell them they're wrong or that there are people who think differently as them.
It's not about who's right and who's wrong anymore. It's about I am right and you are wrong.

I know. The problem starts when people can't be polite when criticizing others, and never be grateful when they get to read things for free. Then things usually escalate from there with more people piling on the arguments

These underages little girls are annoying, almost all of them. They still in fucking school and they act like they know shit about rape
I am so sad rn with you all, mangago community.
Bc, wherever I go, there are people fighting over the slightest thing. Not a civilized discussion of two persons who disagree, which should be thebthing, but a cat fight full of insulting and denigrant words.
Why this community became so agresive? Where went the tolerance?
Where went the manners?
You all know you can defend your pov without calling anyone all short of names? You all know your truth is not the only and one truth?
Well. Sorry for this sudden message.
Of course, this not applies to all people here, I'm aware. Just... I can't stand this gratuite rudeness.
I'm prepared for hate comments. Buy I'll not be answering again here.