Personally I like Jingi but I can see why people could like Heonjae. To me Heongjae is a lot more sneaky when it comes to showing Myeong-IL his true intentions whereas Jingi shows his true colors right away. Jingi showed his horny and violent side right away but Heongjae was hiding his horny and violent side. On the other hand Heongjae does put more effort in being nice to Myeong-IL and getting to know him and is trying to build a relationship with Myeong-IL because he does genuinely like him whereas Jingi hides his feelings and doesn't like to show kindness.

To me they're both assholes and Myeong-il deserves much better, BUT, I also love them both and want them both to win, it's a VERY complicated feeling.
They full on are the worst kind of abusers and if this were real, I'd hate them both. That out of the way, they have already grown so much and I'm a strong Bellerive in anyone being able to change, they just have to want to do so for themselves. I also greatly feel that Heonjae has been given an extremely terrible rap in life and that had he not been so abused as a kid, he wouldn't be abusive now. That said, it's still not an excuse, but he does seem to want to change, which is more than we can say for Jingi.
Now Jingi...:
He is most certainly the bigger asshole. He has said MUCH less scary things than his brother but he has DONE worse; however, he seems to be genuinely falling in actual love with Myeong-il. He seems to be trying to hide it by being a bigger asshole, but he's doing less to be abusive than he did at first, and he's starting to genuinely protect him both by actually protecting him, AND by not egging his brother on down such an accusative path with M.
Again, I want Myeong-il to get out next chapter; being freed because the guy who framed him is caught and his time being advised scared him into never gambling again. He meets a nice, rich dude who is amazing to him, takes in his family and they all live happily ever after. The Brothers eventually get out, it turns out neither were actually culpable fire anything and the uncle is the problem and he gets stabbed and died and everyone lives happily ever after and they both find their perfect masochistic man whores (I don't mean that negatively) so even they end happily and without ever landing back there not hurting anyone ever again.
I was reading the latest chapter comments from thee Korean readers, so many of them are only jingi fansthey don’t like heonjae at all and want him to disappear.