It depends on what the person did, no matter how many times somebody apologizes, if they did something that was seriously bad & serious { in this case it was } people are going to have different reactions, especially if it was targeted towards them.
the author did apologize, but the damage is already done, some people after awhile were able to forgive them while others weren't & that's due to several reasons, one of them being BPOC constantly see stuff like this happen all types of books, sometimes even comics.

It's not even maturity It's simply moving forward from an incident for the betterment of you and the person involved. If they repeated the act, I won't even argue with you but he apologized and amended his way. Move on... and if you can't drop the manhwa and avoid the author. Out of sight is out of mind. You lingering around just to hate and dislike is honestly toxic to you and others.
If you don't like it, avoid it and just stop the unnecessary anger. The moment they repeat the behavior, you can come back and dwell on it as much as you like because nothing was learnt but if they don't, then I really belive you should rest.

I love this story I’m not dropping it I’m just replying to the people saying they don’t understand why people are upset, I get it. What hurts you might not hurt other people and the mature thing is not being racist in the first place. It seems a lot of people here lack sympathy, racism isn’t a little thing to minorities. I think arguments would stop if y’all would stop trying to brush off their feelings towards racism saying it’s not an issue.

I agree, apologies shouldn’t automatically mean forgiveness but I also do think the people who hate this author should avoid the book as well since it does keep an unnecessary amount of negativity around which makes everyone miserable. It’s just weird how many people are trying to be apologists with this author and are like “racism yeah yeah he apologized get over it” like what???? T.T

Okay so first off you generally need better reading skills & better reading comprehension skills
Second off I never once stated anywhere in my statement that I disliked the author in any format.
Third off EVEN if I did dislike the author I could still read the manhwa, with that being said I don’t like nor dislike the author, my feelings towards them are neutral
Fourth off the first half of your statement didn’t even make sense “I just love when people try to act righteous” im not acting like anything, I’m telling you to stfu because your statement was ignorant and most of it had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I hope people understand that if you don't like reading something, you can just drop it. Yes the racism thing was bad. I'm black and I agree but the author apologized and corrected their behavior. Imagine if you do something wrong and everytime you try to move pass it someone drags you back to it and continues hammering what you did on your forehead.
It can honestly lead to major depression and high anxiety and fear to move forward.
The author apologized, they corrected their ways, we move pass it. If some of you guys were God, there'd be no such thing as forgiveness. Please stop this behavior, it's not the right way to tackle a matter like this.