1. Jail rules. Most of the women are probably dead in this world. And men are apparently savages that need a hole with soft skin.
2. How is that man impervious? This novel has taken away all my joy with Seonho's treatment, but I keep reading for some reason.
3. Wasn't he unlubed anal fucked for like 3 days straight before this? I don't think he had much fight in him. Personally, I have to lay down for 45 minutes after a rough deuce.
1. My guy statistically most men aren’t gay so that won’t be the selling point you think it’ll be.
2. “I don’t know how to get what I want without killing” made me cackle
3. Bitch not the author damsel in distressing the hell out of Seonho. Ole’ boy out here crawling like a baby face down ass up cheek out for weeks.
This had an interesting premise but it really just have devolved into the author objectifying Seonho every damn chapter. At this point I don’t even feel bad for him because his character hasn’t been developed enough for me to really care.
At this point it’s like watch the author take Ken dolls and smack them together to simulate sex, like a child.
But the arts nice so I guess I’ll hate read it