I know this sounds mean, but for the sake of the character development and plot, it makes absolutely no sense that she didn't die at the end of the 1st season. Dan is tethered and weighed down by her, literally everything he does, he does for her or the sake of someone else. He needs to be able to do things for himself...even she told him that!! It's great to be loyal, filial and to take care of your loved ones, but ffs don't be a doormat!!
him being a doormat will not go away after his grandma dies…… he will most likely develop a backbone that thru this time apart from JK. plus i think she will not pass until JK and him are back together so JK can comfort him. I don’t think author is going to make Dan suffer on his own.
Mhh I agree, I thought it would be interesting if she died, we would see a grown up Dan... Maybe author still has some other needs for keeping the sick grand mother alive in this plot (but what can she give to the story?)
Maybe for plot development? I can see granny passing away and Jaekyung tracking down Dan soon after, and he takes advantage of Dan’s fragile state to get him to come back
I know this sounds mean, but for the sake of the character development and plot, it makes absolutely no sense that she didn't die at the end of the 1st season. Dan is tethered and weighed down by her, literally everything he does, he does for her or the sake of someone else. He needs to be able to do things for himself...even she told him that!! It's great to be loyal, filial and to take care of your loved ones, but ffs don't be a doormat!!