Yeah! I feel like that's clear especially when you look at the framing of this relationship from the beginning. Jinjoo had been offering her body as payment to Doyeon, which has always made their relationship one with immense imbalance of power. On some level, the sex they had in the beginning was more coercive and that's important to note. Jinjoo's position as a victim has been clear ever since she was a child swept off her feet by her husband. The parallels drawn between Doyeon and her husband are clear from the beginning as well, not just in how they look but how they act. While I don't believe Doyeon let Jinjoo in her home in the beginning as a means to sex, not everything needs to be premeditated to be bad. The argument that Jinjoo "loves" Doyeon neglects that there's a term for being unhealthily attached to your abuser, being trauma bonded to your abuser.

Honestly true. I don't think Doyeon is evil, I think she needs to work on herself (and STAY AWAY from Jinjoo). I think she has to unpack a lot before she can get into a relationship, I mean she literally was not interested in a relationship with ANYONE before because of how she is mentally. She has a lot of mental walls. Jinjoo does NOT need to deal with that especially since she just got out of a shitty neglectful relationship that was fully traumatic to her.
Doyeon ruining church for her was HORRIBLE. That was the one place that could help her restart her life, give her connections to possibly getting a job or people who could serve as a support network. She just isolated Jinjoo from a support circle. Even if it wasn't intentional, it was a choice she made as an adult.
Honestly I first wrote this comment because I didn't like how people were taking Doyeon's backstory to mean that she was this vile person when they don't realize that she's framing it as her being broken and bad. To the point where they were justifying her adoptive sister's treatment of her and, to an extent, her treatment of Jinjoo. To be clear, I think Morae isn't evil but like she was definitely treating Doyeon unfairly when they were kids. I think she was totally fair to say that it was unsettling that Doyeon was always perfect and never cried or complained when she was a kid. It wasn't possible for her at that age to understand that Doyeon was just doing what she could to stay in a family. I just don't like this idea that this child was some sort of prophet who knew her adoptive sister was the spawn of evil (or even the idea that Doyeon is just straight up evil and not just complex).
Sorry about the rant

I don't think Doyeon is evil but I have to say that she's an asshole and a bitch and I say that because of her behavior towards Jinjoo,I'm the type that will call shit as it is because shitty people need to be called out on their shit,if you don't do it then they will never be able to see the shit they do and try to change,ouf past as children makes of breaks us but some people break others instead,they take their shit out on others because of their hurt from their past and it ain't acceptable to me.
Jinjoo has so darn much to deal with man,way more than Doyeon and Doyeon won't give her the space to do it.
Just to be clear, firstly, I am not using this to justify her current behavior. She is a full grown adult now, grown ass woman. But I feel like a lot of people here are jumping to vilify Doyeon's childhood self for trying to be a people pleaser. She was being what she thought everyone wanted her to be and I really wouldn't jump to calling a child starved for parental love the devil. She wasn't evil as a child, she was desperate to be loved. As an orphan, she is bitter that she had to watch all these other kids get adopted while she was thrown to the wayside and expected to be the mature one, taking on the role of the adult as a child. Being forced to grow up early as a child is proven to stunt your development in other ways. Doyeon's story of being a people pleasing child is NOT a new one, it happens to a lot of older orphans, and I don't appreciate you guys calling her an evil child for having abandonment issues at that time. She wasn't getting adopted and I'll be honest she probably left immediately because she thought he'd change his mind because NO ONE SHOWED INTEREST IN ADOPTING HER! She was a desperate child at the time!
Not to mention she's an unreliable narrator on her own terms, so I think she was intentionally framing that behavior like that to reinforce to herself that she is a bad person even as a child. I think that if she was properly placed into therapy after being adopted, she probably could have unpacked some of those problems instead of continuing to cork all her emotions and stunt her own emotional development to a dangerous degree. As an adult, she is responsible for her actions, especially if she is becoming a danger to someone else in her life. Just because someone had a bad childhood, does NOT mean that they're justified to become abusive to the people who they covet in adulthood. Her actions are evil and even if I understand on a clinical and psychological level why she is the way she is, it doesn't justify those actions in her adulthood. I don't want you to take me explaining that "what she was doing when she was like 12 years old shouldn't be taken as evil" as "what she is doing now is okay".
I just don't think we should put "lying about how happy you are as a child in hopes adults will like you more" on the same level as her current actions even if she insists on framing it like that herself to justify to herself that she has always been evil and broken even when she was just a vulnerable child.