Also one last thing to say

MISSMERCY December 12, 2024 9:14 am

When you really deep it why does sihyun think joowhan is a slut? There’s acc no evidence joowhan is just charming and sihyun can handle that he loves it so he’s painted him out to be the bad guy in his head

    AsterryFlower December 12, 2024 7:24 pm

    It’s because of a phonecall with i think a previous client of smth. Joohwan was talking about golf but i guess the way he spoke about it misled sihyun who ‘connected the dots’ (there was no dot to connect) between joohwan’s touchiness and the phone call and when joohwan ended the call, sihyun kind of spoke about the phone call and both sihyun and joohwan spoke in roundabout ways which worsened the misunderstanding. Later on the misunderstanding deepened etc and here we are now. Also don’t forget that while they were in the military, joohwan kissed sihyun first and ended up getting punched by the latter, so ig it doesn’t help his situation