I hope these messages gets to the TL because a lot of people here genuinely appreciate ur work including myself. Not just that, we appreciate u as a human being so please, u don’t have to continue this if u don’t want to we just want u to be healthy. I’ve been where you are but I don’t know ur situation but all I’m going to say is that it gets easier and focusing on the small things in life like what’s for dinner or waiting for tonight’s program helped me a lot on making small steps to recovery. Wishing u the best man
I hope these messages gets to the TL because a lot of people here genuinely appreciate ur work including myself. Not just that, we appreciate u as a human being so please, u don’t have to continue this if u don’t want to we just want u to be healthy.
I’ve been where you are but I don’t know ur situation but all I’m going to say is that it gets easier and focusing on the small things in life like what’s for dinner or waiting for tonight’s program helped me a lot on making small steps to recovery. Wishing u the best man