There is so much bullshit to unpack from what you're saying it's actually disturbing. You literally have no idea how psychology works. No, reading shit such as "I'm being raped but I'm enjoying it so it's fine" is not healing. It's disgusting and it's normalizing rape culture. In no way or reality porn will heal your trauma and calling it safe environment? LMAO, what a clown statement. Also saying that you have to be "gullible, mentally disabled or to have 0 critical thinking" is just so lazy. Manipulating people is easier than you think, you can be the best sceptic of our times yet you still can get manipulated. And no, if you read something against your beliefs, it's not automatically satire. IDK how you see normalizing rape as funny or ridiculous. It's actually disgusting. Satire is created by author, not by some amateur psychiatrist from mangago. It needs to be created with intention of being satire and not the fact that you find the gangrape to be so funny you take it as satire. Disgusting thinking

Of course it heavily depends on a person’s mindset and thinking skills. Fiction doesn’t *magically* change your opinions but influence them. And yk these kinds of bls are targeted towards a younger demographic who doesn’t have the capacity to critically analyse what they consume. I’ve seen some young girls thinking assaults are normal or even romantic. And that’s where the problem lies. It’s normalising these behaviours.
While it can be a safe space to some, it can also retraumatize or reinforce harmful ideas. Its effects aren’t universal. Especially bc in this, it’s justifying the act; portraying that the mc also wanted it. Not every coping mechanism is healthy. And I’m concerned if you find comfort in this.

bruv, wtf re u even yappin about? TW is used for individual readers, so that they know the content could trigger their trauma and not their actions. re u so easily influenced that whatever u see in media u act on irl? do u become a cannibal after watching hannibal? or maybe u’ve murdered someone after watching american psycho? like please, just bcs i enjoy putting myself in the mind of a degraded uke, doesn’t mean i’d stand by sth so hurtful & cruel irl. in fact, i think it’s the opposite. most ppl drawn to this type of fiction re strongly against such behavior and would fight against ppl that commit such acts.

The things you mentioned are distinctively different from the topic you’re justifying. These media are extremely exaggerated to take them seriously. So many new bls have sexual assaults bc it’s being normalised. Look at the bigger picture and consider how these narratives affect others, especially when sexual assaults are romanticised.
And you definitely influenced my view of you based on what you consume. Green aura with flies

The things you mentioned are distinctively different from the topic you’re justifying. These media are extremely exaggerated to be taken seriously. So many new bls have sexual assaults bc it’s being normalised. Look at the bigger picture and consider how these narratives affect others, especially when sexual assaults are romanticised.
And you definitely affected my view of you based on what you consume. Green aura with flies

Now I assume you might be some r*pist who got away somehow and now normalizing it, ain't no way u r defending it when it's not even written from the victim's pov. u find comfort when sumn is being assaulted, are u baffling mate? You sure you should live with us or should be caged with mates who has similar thoughts as u?

I know that. Everyone has somewhat weird way of coping with any trauma. But it's the fact that this type of fiction exists in the first place. If this type of weird ass disgusting fetishizing fiction never existed, maybe those with victim trauma would've found a healthier, better way to cope instead of reading stuff like this. It's still hella weird.

Trust when I say this, dude, I'm on your side. But apparently, this type of coping exists within victims of sinilar experiences. I do still find it weird how they chose this as their coping mechanism tho and it still doesn't get rid of the fact that this story is weird as fuck, sure, ppl can use it as a coping mechanism, but why TF would they enjoy it

No one is claiming that culprits don't exist or that they aren't enjoying such fiction, all we're saying is that the type of fiction someone enjoys doesn't prove they're of the same mentality as the culprit.
It could be a culprit reading this story and liking it, but it could also be a victim reading it and like it. It could also be someone who's neither and just has a guilty pleasure of reading stuff they personally think are fucked up similarly to how people enjoy horror & gore.
Well it's fvcked up when the author makes the victim like it, which kinda reveal the authors sick fetish (r*pe culture). They are the type to blame the victims saying they liked it and initiate the criminal act irl.