I read a lot of these stories and kind of agree, I think its because in them being beautiful is just a given and you start to take it for granted. I mean in this one, the art is so good that literally every character is gorgeous. Its like living in a world only full of models, what is actually considered beautiful in that situation? As for the everyone loves them thing.. yeah. I mean I understand why their family loves them but a lot of times I dont feel enough of a pull from the FL to justify having a harem or a super devoted ML. Just wish fulfillment I guess

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on what I wrote. I also agree with what you said, but I still feel like there is something missing from FL's character in this story, and I still don't fully know what it is. And as I wrote, I'm still questioning my own opinion. I myself am confused whether this story suits my taste, I came to this story because many people seemed to exaggerate about this story, so I was curious. But after reading it myself, it seems like the people who praised it were overreacting. Because I still feel that this story is not as strong as other reincarnation stories.
But I also don't blame or say that those who praise this story are strange because they are too excessive. Because I appreciate that people's tastes are different. That's all
Is she that beautiful? The art yes ... But no matter how many times I see Selene in each chapter I don't feel anything let alone fell for her or something( ̄∇ ̄")
Or am I immune to stories with the same storyline? Abused daughter,lost mother due to death, obsessive father with a very protective brother...Growing up to be a very beautiful woman with many people liking her.Maybe I should limit the number of stories with the same plot like this.Because reading a story that is almost exactly the same as another story is really boring. Moreover, the comments are always the same in terms of praise.
But this is just my personal opinion, please ignore it if reading what I wrote makes you upset.haha
Well not my business tho( ̄∇ ̄")