Does this exist? Or does smth similar exist? Would love to read. A mockery of all the alpha omega bs. A beta x beta story where this beta couple just exist and witness the bs that is the alpha omega chaotic scent wars. The beta x beta couple are perfectly happy and are glad they are born normal to live a normal life and die a normal way.
Considering they're 70% of the population, they sure get no action in story telling.
Ugh, there was something I read where there was a beta couple that was friends with the main characters. But I can't bloody remember what it was that I was reading.
Ugh, there was something I read where there was a beta couple that was friends with the main characters. But I can't bloody remember what it was that I was reading. HollowBrat
Does this exist? Or does smth similar exist? Would love to read. A mockery of all the alpha omega bs. A beta x beta story where this beta couple just exist and witness the bs that is the alpha omega chaotic scent wars. The beta x beta couple are perfectly happy and are glad they are born normal to live a normal life and die a normal way.
Considering they're 70% of the population, they sure get no action in story telling.