YES! There’s so much to discuss and dissect but it’s impossible to do so because there’s so much influx about the same damn thing! ☠ people already know that the author hasn’t reveled the endgame yet and won’t for a while but they still keep asking: “who is endgame”, “is it confirmed that it’ll be TJ?”. Just read the damn story and enjoy it god damn it! ☠ We’ll know when we know! And now they got me making this type of comment too, haha, fuck! The comments and obsessed stanners are ruining the manhwa for me
I am SO SICK of seeing the same comments after every chapter upload! I come to the comments to see if anyone’s discussing the new chapter but TJ stans have to spam with the exact same shit, EVERY TIME! Don’t get me wrong, I like TJ and think he’s smoking hot too, I love the TJ x Ian smut scenes, I also love the Jo x Ian smut scenes! I just want to see some actual discussions and questions and answers but there aren’t any because they get drowned in the same: “TEAM TJ”, “I HOPE TJ IS ENDGAME”, “JO IS A BORING LOSER” comments, all the the time ☠