Don't hate me for this, but yes. The baby you called a fetus has life. And if you take away life it's murder. You day an embryo is a clump of cells but let me ask a philosophical question, what is the basic unit of life? Cells, right. If cells are life and an embryo is a merge of two cells, wouldn't it be life?
Historically, many ancient civilization that are doing baby sacrifices are destroyed. Call it divine intervention or karmic event but it happened.

Bro ppl like you annoy tf out of me stfu. Uneducated and to top it off, deliberately choosing to stay dumb.
A fetus is addressed as a fetus because it has not yet been completely formed, it cannot survive outside of the host (mom). NOW I know it's hard for your pride but someone/something has to be BORN first before you starting calling it murder.

A fetus is addressed as a fetus because it has not yet been completely formed, it isn't classified as alive or "with life" yet because it cannot survive outside of the host (mom). Unless the fetus is close to full term, where it can survive without the need of a host it can be considered to be alive. MC's pregnancy is nowhere NEAR full term BUT she wants to be able to give birth to the future baby and thats all that matters.
NOW I know it might be hard for your pride but someone/something has to be BORN first before you starting calling it murder. This is all FACTUAL, philosophical questions have no impact or place when something is FACTUAL.
And with the whole ancient civilization point is ridiculous and funny. Civilizations DO NOT simply fail because they kill LIVING people/babies there is alot that goes into it. There are so many documented and undocumented cults that have killed and abuse children but, up till this day, are still around. Countries and cultures do not just simply disappear because innocent people are killed. Unfortunately, life isn't a fairytale and reality doesn't work like that. If it worked like that then we wouldn't have cults, child trafficking, extremist groups, dictators, and terrorists groups STILL persistently active to this day. All groups and organizations interested in sacrificing innocent child and people for their own self interest.

Explain how that is not life? What is your source? What is the BASIC definition. So you are saying you are also a clump of cells by negating that definition. Because technically we are biologically only cells and chemicals. Level with me and not hating me and see my point. Killing innocent children is never ok fetus or not. And I agree we are not living in a perfect world, if we are, there would not be a divide in this issue. Also we wouldn't know pain and suffering, but here we are. Look up what fetus means in Greek before attacking my so called pride. Look for what is the meaning of life. Maybe that will get your head out of your bubble.

I recommend taking an anatomy class or a microbiology class it can really clear up the confusion for you or you can choose to stay ignorant. The "Greek meaning" has nothing to do with science or facts B if you consider me uneducated then why don't you educate yourself first, cuz I'm dumb then wtf does that make you baby girl

Nah, it doesn’t make you a bad person. But the character here wants to keep the baby, and that’s her choice. The beauty of choice is that you guys both get to make your own decision based on your feelings and situations. And that’s on all the bullshit in this thread. Choice exists and no one pushes their beliefs onto others. And people still love thy fucking neighbors if people can’t get that through their head. The beauty of your beliefs is that they’re your own and it’s a beautiful way to live under guidance. Don’t sully your own religion by using it as a weapon to pit others down. Conclusion, no this doesn’t make you a bad person.

I agree. She CHOSE!! to keep the fetus so that's all the matters but the whole "god said thats murder" argument seriously. irks me
Also, I feel like the reason ppl saying she was in the wrong is not because she chose to keep it but because the stakes are so high, that it comes across as unreasonable yk? Like think about it, she has to find the CORRECT unknown poison, go to the battlefield (where she might get killed), give the correct antidote to the husband, and make it back home alive to her son. All while pregnant.
Obviously it's fiction so she's gonna make it out ok and there's gonna be a happy ending. However, if she where to do 1 thing wrong her, the husband, and fetus, would all die leaving her child alone. Realistically the stakes are too high but I mean at the end of the day its fiction and her choice is all that matters.

Yeah, I like that take. It makes sense. And I think her choice introduces the nuances of the character. Of course there’s a safer choice, but she wants everyone to live, not one at the expense of another. Is it the smartest, maybe not, but it’s her choice that keeps this story flowing in the direction that it is. People are complex and make dangerous decisions all the time and this characteristic is then woven into this character.
Shhiiiii does it make me a bad person if I was ok with giving up the fetus easy bet like your doing me a favor