Spoiler Info Below....
So Taekjoo ends up promising Zhenya he will finally quit the NIS to be with him. Which ends up not happening because Taekjoo ends up in massive danger (Zhenya stayed behind after Taekjoo asked him to not interfere). He ends up losing 10 years worth memory and is in prison in another country where he is assaulted physically and sexually sadly. Zhenya goes crazy when he's told Taekjoo is considered "dead" since no one could find him.
He finds him with Jongwoo's help but Taekjoo can't remember him at all and is completely standoffish to the idea of Zhenya. Over time Zhenya tries to make Taekjoo remember him but not telling him all the correct info about how they really met (Obviously not wanting Taekjoo to remember what Zhenya did to him).
Overtime Taekjoo starts to fall for Zhenya again but his memories are slowly coming back but only the horrible ones and not the 3 years they spent together as a couple. Soon after they sleep together...Taekjoo remembers everything and completely crushes Zhenya (calling him a rapist and saying that himself would never pick him and that he was obviously being manipulated by Zhenya to stay for safety of his life and family...)
This breaks Zhenya as he can't stop Taekjoo this time and has to face that his actions came back to haunt him. This is the shorten version lol

So basically after Taekjoo regains his memories of Zhenya, he realizes that he actually grew to depend on Zhenya as more than just a person but his lover and man. He runs back to Zhenya and promises to leave the NIS to be with him forever (he even confesses his love for the first time ever (⌒▽⌒)) but he would have to "die" in order for Korea to never look for him and Zhenya wouldn't be a traitor to Russia (though he could careless lol) Taekjoo even goes as far as to threaten Bazim (Zhenya'd brother) if they ever hurt or try to Taekjoo will not hesitate to kill him.
They end up traveling the world together happily (Taekjoo even getting to see his friend from Novel at her wedding) they end up in Canada where Taekjoo mom is (she is with her sick sister) they (zhenjoo) end up getting her so they can go back to Korea. Taekjoo ends up realizing he has a new family with Zhenya, his mom, Jongwoo, and even Zhenya's sister Olga. They visit his father's grave where he and Zhen share a sweet kiss...officially ending their love story.
It was a crazy ride...a lot of things happen in between which builds a lot of the tension and love, but the overall ending was more wholesome than I had envision. (▰˘◡˘▰)
As someone that just read the 2nd novel, I have to say I grew such a fond understanding of Taekjoo and Zhenya now that I didn't think I would have. Now before I talk about why I like them (yes even Zhenya) this relationship would never work for real because let's be for real what Zhenya does to Taekjoo in Novel 1 is unforgivable (Mainly the SA) and I wish Manhwa's authors please just stop using it for shock purposes it's demeaning and honestly pointless. Zhenya could have done everything else he did and it would make sense or easily explained away and their development would still be just as solid and if anything way more believable.
Okay now that I said my peace for that...
Their relationship is something I've never seen done quite like this. It's not perfect and both men make mistakes and they argue at times (more in Novel 1 then in 2) but the way they always come back to one another is endearing to me. Like no one can fill that void except each other.
Now I won't go into spoilers (unless you want me to...you would have to ask me) but what I can say is Zhenya absolutely gets a slap in the face/reality check for the shit he does to Taekjoo in Novel 1. I wish it was explored longer, but what we get for his character choices and development is amazing to read. I was honestly shock to see the author actually try to show that what Zhenya chooses to do to Taekjoo in Novel 1 was horrible and he deserved the consequences.
Taekjoo himself also has character flaws that come to surface that I enjoyed and how those choices shift his life perspective and how he really wants to live in the end. Now it's nothing compared to the development of Zhenya as partner, but it's interesting to see how the author explains his choices, why he does what he does, and why in the end he chooses Zhenya even when he didn't have to.
As for Zhenya the conscious choices he makes at first come off as seemingly selfish, he disregards Taekjoo order to stay home and let him handle his "work", his way of understanding a situation is almost child-like (straight forward and lack of depth), but the more he explains his choices and why the more I realize he really just wants Taekjoo, he wants Taekjoo safe, home, alive and happy. Zhenya is truly like a loyal dog...he will do everything in his power to make sure Taekjoo eats, lives, and come home to him.
I hope it continues to be developed into a full Manhwa for the 2nd Novel as well because let me say a off handed remark...their chemistry is crazy! Taekjoo is so much more hungry for Zhenya...reading it had me ლ(´ڡ`ლ) lol
Sorry rambling but when I'm interested in something I have to get it off my chest. Would love to hear from anyone who may have also recently read the novel...also if it's about spoilers we can always chat separately.