I guess it depends on what you like. If you like overall happy endings and no deaths whatsoever, then the manhwa is better. But for some, people like it when there’s actual risks in the story and finalized deaths. Otherwise ppl realize the characters could do whatever they wanted and still end up safe regardless aka meaning nothing they do mattered lol

Oh yeah I definitely agree! I like it when characters have consequences for thier actions, since it makes stories more interesting and realistic. I feel like many reincarnation manhwa tend to forget that the MC came from another world and don't address the trauma that can cause. I I liked the manhwa primarily for filling in plot holes from the novel. But I will admit that in the novel the MC saw what happened to her family after she died and how regretful they were and I found that refreshing ( she didn't forgive them).

Ohh yeah I forgot that part! I enjoyed that too! But now that the manhwa changed it, it kinda makes it confusing? Cause in the novel, apparently the previous ediths all actually died. Now they changed in in the manhwa that all the ediths were alive anyways. But since FL is alive, she’s the only one dead in her old world?? Or they may change it entirely and cut out that part where her family repents?

I don't think the other Ediths are alive, they're probably just in stasis inside the system (something created by the original Edith and used by The Author to bring in more souls) and they are all dead in their original world. I remember the manhwa mentioning how some Ediths reincarnated into a different life and would start anew, even the OG Edith chooses that path. The only ones remaining choose to take revenge and probably later reincarnate also. They are all dead in the real world.
the novel does NOT do this justice holyyyy