I don't know if you're exxagerating because you're mad this isn't yuri but... It's not that she's not interested, it's that she doesn't realize that she is appealing enough for anyone to have a romantic interest in her. Because she thinks of them as friends, she cannot imagine that their feelings for her would go beyond that. She's that naive about romance. The only characters she's shown loud and emotional reactions to are Leo (the king from Athala kingdom) and Sigmud, with whom she shared a master. I'm suspsecting either of them to be the ML. I'm personally looking forward to her falling in love because I want her to experience the feeling, even if she has no interest in being someone's wife.

Yus lol im mega exaggerating bc im a lesbian fag and Im half joking because this is another fallen butch queen we’ve lost to a sea of boring cookie cutter male leads but the story is still aight it’s just there’s sooo many guys tryna hit and thinking every move she does is romance it was starting to piss me off

That’s the thing though, they all understand who she is perfectly, so they’re well aware of the fact that what she does has nothing to do with romance. Their struggle is with getting her to realize they care about her as more than a friend. Also, can’t say I agree with you on them being cookie cutter, unless I don’t understand the definition. Personally, I’m happy I get a badass tomboyish FL that isn’t a main character in Yuri. Can’t say Yuri is my cup of tea either so that might be why I enjoy the story a lot more.

Uhh fam I never asked u to agree w me it’s clear we have different opinions, how bout u stop shoving into my face the fact that ur so happy this isn’t Yuri like as if I didn’t already know that cant even make a joke about the lack of Yuri nowadays without a shoujo lover telling u to stfu straight is better

Maybe because normal humans will see a comment read it and move on. I wasn’t “sharing” my opinion I was shitposting. I’m not sure why you seem so damn annoyed at a joke ppl make that you had to keyboard warrior a whole essay and respond to a week old comment. Seems like everything is fine straight, yaoi, until someone jokes about some girls kissing. If that ain’t homophobic idk what is.
Every day I lament over the fact that this wasn’t Yuri and shushu wasn’t given a fine ass girlfriend instead of these absolutely annoying men who don’t know the definition of mind ur own business, and also using her as a therapist for their own fucked up narrow mindsets they lit jus want to date her all the time when she has 0 interest it’s so pathetic to look at like this girl is not interested u beta cuck