I hate how ugly and stupid MC is and I hate his manipulative dead friend

This. This manga frustrates me so much everytime I remember it lol. I read this like 5 years ago and everytime it crosses my mind I get irritated by the ending.
The mc basically has a reverse harem and he has had a crush on this one dude for a long time but then the story focuses so much of the story of mc with this 2nd male that in the end the fact that mc still fucking chose the guy he like before just blew my mind. Like mc and that 2nd male lead had so much screen time together that everyone reading it thought he was the mc. And yet, he was forever the 2nd male lead. There's even a fucking chapter dedicated to when in the end after he didn't chose him he comforted the 2nd male lead and asked if they can still be friends and shit. Mind you, I haven't reread this since the first time I read it and I still remember how much I hated the ending; I have adhd, I forgot what I ate for breakfast, and yet i remember how much this shit frustrated me lol.

end of the road the ml honestly he can fuck off from ch 1 hes trash idk what the hell they tried to redeem him like ch 4 on i hate him, dropped the whole story cuz of him
lost in translation fuck his band members took his case evidence and screwed him over essentially everyone is horroble
high-school boy, basicallyshota con fetish mc just gettung blackmailed dub con foreplay and idk ishudve seen it coming sfter i read suicide boy i hate how this author likes drawing shota looking boys and everyone seems to hold a torch for them for no reason like with weird reasons.
.theres so many more i can think of but not the exact names

i tried to read this a long time ago but from what i can remember, i didn’t like how the main couple were basically siblings. i thought that they were living together bc the white haired guy mom had recently died when NO she had died YEARS AGO!! i just hate diet incest stories. like oh it’s okay bc we’re step siblings!

Ahh I can kinda understand where you're coming from XD. Though if you want to try it again I would absolutely say it's hella good. The two of them did not treat each other as sibling nor did they ever see each other as one. They aren't step sibling either, the mom just adopted haebom since his mom died and she's like the only one who sees him as actual family. I mean like yeah they see each other as a family now since they're madly in love but not in the incestuous way. It's a really good manhwa overall and I hope you atleast consider checking it out again!

idk it felt very awkward and outta nowhere cuz it fell like mc had a insecurity against ml with him being popular and all and had passing childhood feels, and ml was the only one with a crush.
and them getting together and all that was all too fast. I didn't understand why they couldn't be like ya my best friend lives with me our family, and my mum's his guardian. instead of like ya they cant know we are bros. Also ml asking his dad for the apartment idk. all that was hard to swallow. I tried to read it a couple times, but had to drop. Transition was just rushed.
Weird request but can u guys give me names of manga/manhwa u hate them most on here? I'm feeling cheeky I wanna give them a go. Js Don't write the well known popular ones