You're dismissing my point of it being a crime by saying it is a kink. I got this "savior mentality" because I understand the damage even fictional depictions of sexual acts can affect someone, and it terrifies me. I'm sorry for blowing this out of proportion when this argument was not even meant for you. I was trying to defend my initial statement.
I am not dismissing it being a crime, it can be a crime AND a sexual fantasy, a kink, whatever it is at this point, and you are wasting your time trying to explain consent not only to the wrong people but in mangago, its an illegal site filled with porn do you think people here is in their right mind? Honestly the best warnings we get that a story is disgusting is the rating being lower than 9 or 8 other than that most don't care
I know they're gone, but you're still here defending their point. And yeah, its pointless to argue with those who don't want to hear, but if I can change someone's mind, as mine has been times before, then that's all I want. The concept of rape or crime as a basis is fine, as long as none of it is actually happening, like it is in this story. It is actually happening. Therefore it is not a kink. The person who wrote this needs help, not a shrug and an excuse.
Am i defending them? LOL i dont think the story is rape potrayed as a kink, but rape as it is can be a kink, do you understand now? You say the person need help not a shrug and excuses but how can you help a stranger that enjoy rape contents? Find their address? Report them to mental health help? i would even say you need help, cause some dumbass saying stupid shit is enough for you to itch your fingers at another person when you assumed they agree with that dumbass
My statement was more targeted about what you said about rape kink, not about the story because you seem to use blanket statements about this topic, which does more harm than good. And honestly, I didn't read the story because judging from the comments it's the usual SA smut slop that does not really appeal to me.
And honestly, thank goodness the author was pretty straightforward that the story is one. If this was one of the stories where it's marketed as romance but suddenly a rape jumpscare happens in between, I'd be p. disappointed.
I wasn't saying I would bring them help, just saying they need it if that's their kink. And yeah, I understand. Real rape is against a person's will, which doesn't make it a kink. But rape as a kink, where the person enjoys getting raped, makes sense. It feels like a loophole, like someone said. I argue to learn things, it challenges yours and others knowledge. And I learned something from this. So I don't see it as a waste.
yes its unfortunate that its not properly tagged but this is a kink for some people, hope that helps! it may not be yours but it doesnt give you the right to judge or demean others for their sexual or fictional preferences :) move on if you dont enjoy it!