"A "sexual kink" refers to a non-conventional sexual practice, fantasy, or concept that falls outside of what is considered "typical" sexual behavior, often involving elements of excitement or arousal derived from specific stimuli like power dynamics, bondage, or specific objects, and is typically characterized by open communication and enthusiastic consent between partners to engage in these activities"
Yes I'm denying it as a fucking kink. It's not consensual. It's illegal.

No shit you are fighting with no one right now, both me and the other person agrees with you, this story doesnt fit in the category of consenting sex but it is made for someones fantasy, even if i dont support it i wouldnt go wailing like an idiot dumping my anger onto people that already agrees with me

It kinda doesn't add up though. You say kinks require consent. But don't folks who do rape roleplay discuss about consent beforehand because otherwise it won't be roleplay, it'd end up irl rape? And as you said, it's play pretend. As long as consent is reached by both parties before the act, it won't harm any party. Also, there were rape victims who shared that they indulge in rape fantasies because there's consent involved and it helps them come to terms with their trauma. I wish I can explain it better but there's plenty of sources on google.

Idk where you got this savior mentality from but i promise you i know what kinks are, as an example kidnapping is a crime AND a kink, and as "dangerous" their mentality is do you think whining and insulting everyone, telling them they'd be on a watch list results in everyone holding hands and dancing to the sunset

You're right, no need for unnecessary statements, and for that I'm sorry. But the fact is, this story does not involve the character going thru safe words or planning a scenario. He just gets raped, done and done. Yes people have rape fantasies. That does not make it okay. Kinks can be disgusting, sure, but their purpose is ultimately to make the parties involved sexually gratified. In rape, one person is gratified, and one gets trauma and damage for the rest of their life. That is not a kink. But it doesn't stop there. In this story, rape is not even depicted in a bad light. No, the character is inebriated from his heat, saying no, but apparently he's still hard and likes it. Tell me, what does this image of rape do to a reader? It glorifies rape. It takes something harmful and paints it with roses. I shouldn't have to explain to you why this is terrible.
yes its unfortunate that its not properly tagged but this is a kink for some people, hope that helps! it may not be yours but it doesnt give you the right to judge or demean others for their sexual or fictional preferences :) move on if you dont enjoy it!