Wtf is happening with Korean people like first the artist of codename anastasia now this one why are they wasting there beautiful art line like this I know I shouldn't complain if I don't like it I have a choice to not read but still I just can't help but feel disappointed (man I sound so hypocritical)
I have not followed up on Codename: Anastasia. But it is based on novel so .... It's not the artist but adapted AWinterWonderLand
No no I didn't mean codename Anastasia I meant the artist of this manhwa just recently made a short story with no plot only rape as a plot with great artline but I don't remember the name
Wtf is happening with Korean people like first the artist of codename anastasia now this one why are they wasting there beautiful art line like this I know I shouldn't complain if I don't like it I have a choice to not read but still I just can't help but feel disappointed (man I sound so hypocritical)