Bro it was cute first cause he was going out of his way to be nice to him, buying all these appliances to make his life easier and being all cute with him and the only revenge plan thoughts were “okay I’ll do it tomorrow, or should I leave it till semester’s end” etc as if he wasn’t even intending to go through with it, like it was just cartoonish evil thoughts but then sejun confesses (even tho dowon confessed first while drunk and forgot) and he suddenly asks for time to think, and then sejun overhears dowon talking to his friend discussing what to do cause he’s still planning to go through with the revenge plan, like that sucked but like, dowon runs after him and talks shit like “you misunderstood” as if he didn’t with his own words spell out exactly what the revenge was, and sejun runs away saying don’t touch me leave me alone I’ll leave the house within a week etc but then dowon gets home to sejun packing his bags to leave he pushes him to the bed to have sex with shit like “if you really don’t want this push me away” and FOR SOME FUCKED REASON SEJUN JUST GOES ALONG WITH IT??? LIKE THATS SUCH ASS WRITING CAUSE WHO IN THE WORLD JUST FINDS OUT THE PEROSN THEY DATED WHO WAS SO SWEET DID IT ALL TO BRUTALLY BREAK UP WITH Y9U ON PURPOSE, and it’s not even a “it’s started off like that but now he had no such intention, no, he still was planning to do it, AND STILL DECIDES “OH OKAY HE HASNT EXPLAINED SHIT HASNT APOLOGIZED DIDNT REGRET IT SND IS PUSHING ME TO HAVE SEX, OH WELL LETS DO IT”??????? Bro do you have the memory of a goldfish, did you forget the reason you were packing in the first place??? like bro a revenge plan like that is asshole stuff in the first place, let alone it being over something said in MIDDLE SCHOOL, how do you even immediately take back an adult capable of such cruelty broooo I’m just pissed at how unsatisfying the plot went, no tension no buildup, bottom just takes him back cause he was pushed to have sex, I want my wasted time back pls
Bro it was cute first cause he was going out of his way to be nice to him, buying all these appliances to make his life easier and being all cute with him and the only revenge plan thoughts were “okay I’ll do it tomorrow, or should I leave it till semester’s end” etc as if he wasn’t even intending to go through with it, like it was just cartoonish evil thoughts but then sejun confesses (even tho dowon confessed first while drunk and forgot) and he suddenly asks for time to think, and then sejun overhears dowon talking to his friend discussing what to do cause he’s still planning to go through with the revenge plan, like that sucked but like, dowon runs after him and talks shit like “you misunderstood” as if he didn’t with his own words spell out exactly what the revenge was, and sejun runs away saying don’t touch me leave me alone I’ll leave the house within a week etc but then dowon gets home to sejun packing his bags to leave he pushes him to the bed to have sex with shit like “if you really don’t want this push me away” and FOR SOME FUCKED REASON SEJUN JUST GOES ALONG WITH IT??? LIKE THATS SUCH ASS WRITING CAUSE WHO IN THE WORLD JUST FINDS OUT THE PEROSN THEY DATED WHO WAS SO SWEET DID IT ALL TO BRUTALLY BREAK UP WITH Y9U ON PURPOSE, and it’s not even a “it’s started off like that but now he had no such intention, no, he still was planning to do it, AND STILL DECIDES “OH OKAY HE HASNT EXPLAINED SHIT HASNT APOLOGIZED DIDNT REGRET IT SND IS PUSHING ME TO HAVE SEX, OH WELL LETS DO IT”??????? Bro do you have the memory of a goldfish, did you forget the reason you were packing in the first place???
like bro a revenge plan like that is asshole stuff in the first place, let alone it being over something said in MIDDLE SCHOOL, how do you even immediately take back an adult capable of such cruelty broooo I’m just pissed at how unsatisfying the plot went, no tension no buildup, bottom just takes him back cause he was pushed to have sex, I want my wasted time back pls