Pretty close but one correction Sekhmet is a Lion not a Cat this is a pretty big distinction as Bast occupies the role as Cat god. These are, technically, two different people.
However, it should also be noted that in some versions Baset (or Bast - this is the cat god who is friends with Hathor) is the calm, non-blood thirsty version of Sekhmet. And other versions she is Sekhmet’s sister. Bastet, Sekhmet, and Hathor are actually intertwined with each other. Hathor is a vessel that carries Sekhmet. Bastet is often confused with Sekhmet due to them both being feline. So it’s interesting to see how the author will work with this information.

Oh my!! Totally appreciate it!! Thank you! Okay it's more clear now,I remember their behavior was different as well and I did noticed different names but i couldn't remember it and just remembered it was a feline, how did I fumble so bad, not reading sleep deprived again. Thanks for clearing it up, please do add more if I missed anything relevant. Btw I'm also confused about the foreign god. Rn only horus knows the truth and some parts by anubis. Thanks again tho
So osiris wanted to do some mirror magic but the cat god decided to change the course and made nepth think that she had feelings for osiris which is why we have anubis and then everyone knows everything then there's war. And so I'm starting to get it. So wait did osiris want to make seth see reflection of him in the mirror???? That's one smart ass move tbf. Real smart