“exactly loser” nigga stop being a cornball ☠. u over here still yappin abt sum bad translation n shit but nobody out here forcing u to read the bad translation r they? go get a life nigga and stop complaining over shit when u can js ignore it fuckin slow ass bitch . go eat some pussy or dick damn fuckin pmo

And yet you keep replying too like a fucking lowlife whatta damn lifeless whore Lmfao you're such a joke istg I'm wheezing bitch I didn't even remember you existed one of your same breed brought me back of course someone with the iq of a toddler and low reading skills would enjoy shit quality things just like your shitass personality I'd suggest you get some therapy cz I'm pretty sure you aren't getting laid by anyone pffft

Replying to my last comment that too twice after telling me to stop replying is a new kind of audacity lmfao Your vocabulary getting more and more retarded it's so fucking funny how triggered you are loser turning yourself into a joke saying it's a public comment section but if you had some braincells in that ugly disfigured decoration you call a brain you could've ignored it but no your ass was dying to reply and start and argument that's why your lonely ass is here 24/7 seeking attention

and u out here still fucking yappin abt nun LMFAO. “ur lonely ass” nigga nobody even wanna hang around yo ashy ass u cannot b sayin this typa shit .like U fucking said nigga this a public comment section anyone can say what they want n that’s what i’m doin but u over here yappin abt some bad translation when all u can do is stop fucking reading it but yo ashy ass wanna come on here complaining like the world is over is dumb shit go get a life nigga grow tf up
Who tfs uploading unofficial translations bruh the quality is so damn bad
Let nekobasu upload in peace the other one go away!!