This one is very similar to debut or die ! I haven’t read it in a while tho so the vibe might be a little different

boo, have u read this ?
he's an alien that wants freedom so he went to a world and got mistaken as a powerful being when in fact he's just a silly goofy genius octopus
and this too, people thought he was the lowest in the rank but no, there's more to it, he can eat Rakshasa (demon) and take their abilities, sounds fun right ???
and this, kinda fresh from the oven too, he didn't go back in time, instead, he got transported to the future and yes, he doesn't plan on becoming a hunter anymore
and if u want smth related to idols like debut and die, here
failed group, disbanded, worked as chef, dead, and went back in time to fix everything (+ his group) using his money
he was eliminated and his dream to become an idol vanished, but then went back in time too so this time he'll try to become an idol again
a short read and it's so adorable ! funny and deserve moreeeeee chapters sobsob
Pls pls pls something that has the fun vibe and interesting story like "Debut or Die", "I Was Immediately Mistaken for a Monster Genius Actor", and "Genius Archer's Streaming" !!
Thanksss, may your pillows always be cold