do u ever just keep reading hoping itll get better but it js left u feeling...
I was anticipating some really cute moments for this season so tell me why ...
This couldve been cute, extremely slow burn love story between Hirose and N...
Ok stop with this student x teacher shit please! And you still havent made ...
I finished reading this series with a level of discomfort and feel like I was misled here... (I know few people like this stuff, and each to their own accord, you do you).
I was anticipating wholesome moments (which we got) and ultimately a confession from Nakamura to Hirose, only to be smeared by the teacher's actions towards Hirose.
I get that the author is trying to reveal that Hirose is discovering his sexuality and possibly his type (which Nakamura shares 99% of the teacher's looks). But the author is making me fear the possibly-a-pedo teacher and worried for Hirose and Nakamura's mental state.
It'd be a shame if it goes the rocky & sad route.