
Yesss people seem to be uncomfy with Pilgyun calling Nanmu "dad", but if you think about it, there are a LOT of BL manhwas out there with pseudo-incest theme, where someone raised a kid and ended up being their lover when the kid grew up. It's just that those manhwas aren't this blatant, so people can pretend that the relationship isn't fucked up. It's impossible to do that with this manhwa though. That's why i love and respect this author for embracing the problematic theme, and writing the characters and story accordingly.
I want people to understand that they're father and son for real, eventhough they're unrelated by blood. It's pseudo incest, and i wish people would stop denying it by arguing that they're not actually related, because Nanmu cleary raised Pilgyun for 6 years since Pilgyun was 5 years old, and they clearly view each other as dad and son AS WELL as lovers. It's a fucked up dynamic between fucked up people, i personally love it because it never pretended to be otherwise, so people please do the same :D It is meant to be fucked up, just own it!