I could have gone without that...

Morohtar April 20, 2017 10:08 am

Seriously, I would have loved this if it was only the Presidents story and seeing Kamiya find his partner. That fucked up bit at the start ruined it for me tho and left a really nasty taste so that I'm not even fond of Kamiya anymore.

Oh well, off to the next Omegaverse that hopefully stays non-fucked up. :'D

    PXR April 20, 2017 6:06 pm

    An omegaverse that's not fucked up, good luck with that

    Morohtar April 21, 2017 10:28 pm
    An omegaverse that's not fucked up, good luck with that PXR

    I DID find a few before, they are the reason I still read Omegaverse. Without them I would have given up this 'genre' already. But yeah...they are extremely rare indeed. XD