
Lusyydia December 6, 2024 4:02 am

I feel like the author has an idea about the plot, possibly an idea about what the endgame is, but everything else is just ... plain bad. It reads like a teenager crazy on hormones went and wrote a rape story, then changed his mind and added some supernatural to it, and now it's a clusterfuck that's supposed to go somewhere, hopefully anywhere near the plot.

    Nadja March 22, 2025 8:25 pm

    Yeah I couldn't agree more. I like the idea of this story but the execution is bad. Just wtf is going on? The plot is a cluster fuck and the art isn't bad but it doesn't really depict what's happening in the story. It is probably trying to make the ML seem irresistible but I can't stand the way they have him sitting so feminine all the time with this sparkly light effect on him. He isn't a pagent queen but a torture victim. Make him behave and look like one plz. Who would look like he did after being tortured, raped, kidnaped and locked in a warehouse for 2 days not knowing if you would die.

    The whole thing just reeks of horny teenager hormones. It's sad cuz this could have been great