not saying you’re wrong, but i definitely blame the father and brother. the sister-in-law seems to not have known, so i get that, but THEY were the ones that wanted to deceive the grandfather as well for monetary gain. so it’s not like they have a moral high ground. also, yes he went to see the grandfather, but I feel that it’s unfair to tell him to just leave when he’s obviously formed a bond with him and gave him comfort in his last months while the family just ignored him. yeah, yoonsung may have been saved, but that doesn’t mean hakyung is to blame. obv i understand your point, but i have no sympathy towards the father or brother.

Hakyung didn’t ask to be put in this position. He wasn’t the one pulling the strings—he was just trying to survive and do his best under impossible circumstances. The family refuses to take responsibility for their role in all this, instead blaming Hakyung because it’s easier than facing the truth. But the real problem is their greed, their obsession with control, and their inability to see beyond their own narrow perspective. If they’d been more understanding and less focused on themselves, maybe none of this would’ve happened. Instead, they tore everything apart and left Hakyung to carry the blame for a tragedy they created.

No they knew, and don't have sympathy for them. They're terrible people too! You're right, they deceived they're own kin just for money and I agree. While Hakyung is terrible for leading a dying old man on, at the same time, it brought the grandfather comfort and he does deserve that. He's just a nice old man. I also agree that Hakyung isn't to blame for a crash because Yoonsung choose to sacrifice himself. I just said the family blames him because they're scared Yoonsung might never wake up.
I understand your point too and 100% agree with you. They deserve no sympathy from anyone because they were the ones who technically orchestrated the whole thing!

yeah ! i also understand that you’re simply explaining their viewpoint, which i appreciate !! i just hate to see hakyung so sad :( and to imagine all the pain both of them had to endure all of the years they were apart. i hope it didn’t sound like i was arguing against your point at all, that’s not what i intended ! <3
I think Yoonsung's family is kind of justified with their actions. I don't think Hakyung deserves so much disdain and hatred, but looking at it from their eyes sheds more light.
For starters, Hakyung is a guy. I think everyone is forgetting he's not actually a woman. I think if he were a woman, they'd be more opened to him having a romance with Yoonsung; however, Hakyung is a man. People in Korea are pretty conservative, and Yoonsung is the grandson of a chairman. I doubt they'd be too thrilled with rumors circulating around about the youngest being homosexual.
Secondly, Yoonsung is currently bedridden. From our eyes, we know he'll survive it and be (sort of) okay. But to them? Yoonsung might never wake up. Emotions are high. I'm sure a lot of people would react the same if their child was potentially going to die.
Third, Hakyung was given orders to leave! Hakyung chose to disrespect those orders and attempt to see the grandfather. If he had just left, Yoonsung likely wouldn't have gotten into the crash. Even if Yoonsung did, he would've swerved so that the passenger side could face the brunt of the impact rather than the drivers side in order to save himself.
Finally, Hakyung is not innocent. He chose to take on this job with deceiving an old man for his own gain. While he did have many pushing him into taking it, he was never forced. He could have said no easily. He chose to take the money and his mom being put in the hospital for free just to deceive a man who was closing in on his death bed. That same old man quite literally died thinking he finally got his dying wish. That's not so innocent.
With all that being said, I don't hate Hakyung. I love both Hakyung and Yoonsung, but his family isn't being unreasonable with their hatred and anger. I do wish Hakyung could catch a break, but I can't lie and say I wouldn't have the same reaction if I was in the family's shoes with the same limited knowledge they have.