Agreed. Yumin is not a stupid hopeless fl in all aspects of the story, but with her ex she just becomes completely immature and dumb. This throws away the whole story progress and how far Hyeondo has come at least. I don't dislike her, but she frustrates me so much I need to take a break till there are more chapters.

Right??? I’m the last person to get mad at FLs for being hopeless romantics, it takes me like 3 years to get over someone so Imm on their team. But come on, you were in a relationship with him for 7 years and learned that he never once viewed you romantically throughout that whole time. If he crawled back and admitted he realized he loved her after losing her - I could excuse her being swayed. But he came back asking to be friends??? And didn’t say anything about his personal feelings such as idk “I miss you, I feel your lack in my life” but it was “my father will be happy to be able to see you”??? It’s so clear he only tries to keep you in his life out of pure obligation, come on. What do you think will change by pretending to be friends when he didn’t budge throughout a long-term relationship and he clearly doesn’t really care about being friends with you either? I get it might be too early for her to look around and fall for someone else, but I hoped that Hyeondo at least taught her how a guy in love acts and she started to realize she deserves nothing less and her ex only ever did the bare minimum to keep his conscience clear.
Ah fr, sorry for ranting, you just seem to get me TT I can never hate you Yumin, I love you, but girl you need to stop living in a delululand and face the reality. I really tried to be understanding of her but damn

Preach sis! I just can't understand how after 7 years she still sees him as the "hot dude I wanna put on pedestal" despite all that has went down. Like she can't even name a single special thing about his personality except that he was friendly and considerate...so are million others out there! My girl is in her 30s yet in her love life is stuck in teenage years. Hyeondo should just slap her back to reality instead of apologizing ╥﹏╥
I think this whole friends with an ex bs is my final straw and I will leave it to marinate. It’s like it started raining over a spark that we watched with anticipation and hoped would turn into a flame. Slow burn turned into slow ignition, there’s only some smoke for now (ーー;)