Honestly, things had been going so well for a while that I legit forgot about the shit thi...

Matsusan December 5, 2024 5:06 pm

Honestly, things had been going so well for a while that I legit forgot about the shit things caesar had done to lee-won. And now I realize how manipulative he truly is, like damn even I'm falling for his trap. This mf shooted lee-won, raped him while he was still recovering, threatened him and now almost killed himself to make lee-won stay and here I am past the point where I simply can't hate him. This mf is good. Like a few chapters ago it was such a funny little interactions about lee-won realizing he's gonna have to buy that expensive pen, and the funny interactions with ceasar "meeting" mc's dad, and their chibi are so cute ...and now here we are. Damn. Why can't I hate him???? Fuuuck I'm like the MC rn

    ArdonLeo December 5, 2024 5:16 pm

    Ure so real for this. I think we r all lee won at heart TT

    Ruby December 5, 2024 7:52 pm

    I meant to up vote