It's pretty nice ngl

>Christ-san< December 5, 2024 11:11 am

In the first manga Haruki was only introduced as the older brother's friend on the side story. The side story was pretty boring which was made worse with incest(tho I don't care that much tbh). I remember commenting I find Haruki more interesting than them and Holy shit was I right. Him and his story is way better lol.

Making a move on Shuu while he was drunk is no good but he didn't seem that drunk and was pretty sober based on the way he responded. Haruki also stopped when he was asked which is just basic humanity but in mangas pretty rare(sadly), so good on him. The communication level between the two of them were also pretty high and I love how shuu and Haruki had rules on their relationship. The fight was resolved fairly quick too. And I love how Shuu got along with the patrons at the bar, really cute how he's clueless about the jokes lol. Only thing I had a problem that didn't get solved the way I wanted it is that the fucking predator didn't really got what he deserved. Should've been outed as a predator. Not just a cheater but also predator... poor wife tsk
