Applause! (▰˘◡˘▰) I feel pretty much the same. The mc is an idiot and as you stayed VERY self-centered. (/TДT)/ He really is one rock short to start a spark. Yes, he should have told Siyeol about the threat to his parents. AND warned his parents (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ He so worried about mounted, which btw i guess he forgot Siyeol telling him he didn't want to do that to him. Smdh ヽ(`Д´)ノ But I digress. AND the sex was mostly instigated by him the mc. Considering Siyeol temperament and the fact that he heard from Siyeol himself that regardless of anything he would come if it's regarding him the mc. But this goofy, and YES he is a goofy, forgets how Siyeol ALWAYS save his goofy-ass, AND has been teaching him how to defend himself when he had to do jo such this besides keep him safe while using him as bait. This last episode frustrated the HELL out of me(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ It seems the mc is taking for granted everything that has transpired regarding the fact he is being used as bait and therefore he will be protected and thinks he can rationalize his own thinkings and deflect his anger and insecurities at Siyeol instead of communicating and ironing things out. Siyeol has been warning mc to be more afraid of him but the lil dog-bunny wasn't trying to hear non of that and pressed forward. If you payed attention Siyeol has been pretty vocal with mc but I guess it went over mc's head. Not Siyeol fault mc is an airhead even though he is older than Siyeol. Considering the usual behaviors of yaoi main characters I think Siyeol has been doing fairly well not forcibly mounting mc like he wanted to being considerate.
My apologies I was venting but I totally agree with you! (⌒▽⌒)
So... sigh.
I love the premise of this story, LOVE it. The world is one of my favorites and I'm in love with how hashed out it all is.
I generally am ok with the characters. The sleazy ones are viably sleazy and the assholes are complete voids in the art the end of the digestive system of every living creature; but this chapter...
Well I'll put it this way:
Your parents are alone. They could be stacked by monkeys at any time. They were OPENLY THREATENED BY SOMEONE WHO ATTACKED YOU UNTIL, BY YOUR VERY OWN ADMISSION, YOU NARROWLY ESCAPED BEING KILLED AND STILL, Y.O.U. T.A.K.E Y.O.U.R S.W.E.E.T. A.S.S. T.I.M.E. T.O. Y.E.L.L A.T Y.O.U.R C.R.U.S.H/F.U.C.K B.U.D.D.Y!!!!!!!!!
Y.O.U.R. F.U.C.K.I.N.G. P.A.R.E.N.T.S. W.ER.E. F.U.L.L. O.N. T.H.R.E.A.T.E.N.E.D. T.O. Y.O.U.R. F.U.C.K.I.N.G. F.A.C.E. AND YOU. .S. .T. .I. .L. .L HAVEN'T TOLD
.A. .N. .Y. .O. .N. .E.
Mc is officially an asshole. A selfish, self serving, self centered, ASSHOLE. I lived him before this but COME ON!!!!!!!!
He full on threatened to kill his family! HE LET HIM LIVE and your move is to BREAK UP WITH YOUR SEX PARTNER.
god this is so imcredibly painful.
-secondhand pain from absolute stupidity. (It's brain freeze adjacent, like when someone does something so incredibly painfully stupid that despite the other person not even knowing you exist, or/and in this case AREN'T EVEN REAL... But I can still feel the pain residual from what they should be feeling for being so incredibly, debilitating STUPID!)
(Sorry guys, I know it's not that serious but I really had to vent lol.)