Their still together but in master-pet dynamic more than romance, top is obsessed and sometimes think bottom is cute and get jealous too but he also keep hating on the bottom and torturing him, the bottom staying because he feel guilty and he kinda became useless without top, so yeah he live like a pet for top. In my opinion, i don’t even want top to have any feeling for this trash, like with what he put him through? Nah ah, i wish top move on and dump this useless trash but i guess BL logic can’t let’s that happen. Oh well at least the bottom keep suffering, as he should.

The top confessed to bottom when he just a middle school kid, the bottom seem to also liking top because he is beautiful, but he homophobic ass denial it and start bullying and sexual abuse the poor kid, that not all, he let his friends rape top too, their even taking a video and send it to his mom, that drive her insane
I already saw the spoilers about their history but I wanna know where the story is going. One of the comments up top is saying the ml falls for mc. Is that true? Will they actually get together together in the end? Like what’s the ending pls.