Since it’s my birthday today, I wish that Myeongil gets cured of his gambling addiction, goes back to school or maybe even get a decent paying job, and that he gets away from Jingi and Heonjae(even though I’m lowkey rooting for a relationship where they just kinda share Myeongil but respect him at the same time and if that doesn’t happen, i’m lowkey rooting for Jingi and Myeongil lol)
Since it’s my birthday today, I wish that Myeongil gets cured of his gambling addiction, goes back to school or maybe even get a decent paying job, and that he gets away from Jingi and Heonjae(even though I’m lowkey rooting for a relationship where they just kinda share Myeongil but respect him at the same time and if that doesn’t happen, i’m lowkey rooting for Jingi and Myeongil lol)