no lmao. by that age, most have either gotten/completed some level of higher education (college, uni, tradeschool, etc) and most have acquired years of work experience. by that age, people pay taxes, vote, care for their immediate family, and most have had some romantic and/or sexual experience. plenty of people consider 25 to be a marriageable age and plenty do get married at 25. 25 is way grown. depending on one's life situation, a 20 year old may find themself at the same maturity level as a 25 year old. no one's gonna be able to prey on 25 on age alone lmao, unless you take other factors into account (ex: boss/employee, older relative/younger relative, etc). but that's not what's happening here, and that's not what happens most of the time.
you'll be young only bc you've only lived 25% of your average lifespan by then. financial independence isn't the only marker for "being grown", as there are many people out there who rely on outside support to survive and that's completely fine. my list, if you read my comment, is only superficial and refers to one's productivity in society as a benchmark. but that's not all there is to life, and everybody goes at different speeds. be patient with yourself.
25 is young man, I'm in my early 20s as well, and I have 40 year old colleagues still not financially independent.
And u know wat? They are considered young from the perspective of my 60 yr old boss too.
(Different people will have different opinions on what they think is youth)
I don't think u should worry about yr youth and stuff, do things u find joy in, and keep yr body healthy and active.
Worrying about aging will not stop it, just remember to live in the present, to enjoy yr freedom when you become self dependent.
Life does not end at any age, it ends when you die, you are young until then.
What do y'all think? Is 25 considered young?