I would actually read the whole time skip.. huhu like bro I wanna know what happens between them.. huhu is this promo for game or light novel? If light novel.. please give me the link to read huhu
Promo for kdrama with same name
Are you a owl “huhu” ???
excuse you? not only was that rude as that could have been a typo, or just something they say you have no right to be a fuckwad
Lmfao It was never that serious
idgaf ? it was unwarranted
What i said had nothing to do with you. YOUR comment was unwarranted, learn to mind your business snowfuck.
did you think that would hurt or sm go back to watching peppa pig
Peppa pig is lowk fire so dont even bring that show up like its a bad thing watching that.
it's not but it is when it comes to you
That Doesn't make any sense but ok,
you're like 14 what do you expect
16* either way my age has nothing to do with this, what you said just didnt make sense.
I would actually read the whole time skip.. huhu like bro I wanna know what happens between them.. huhu is this promo for game or light novel? If light novel.. please give me the link to read huhu