It’s different. The feelings described and how the things are happening.
I wouldn’t say it’s fundamental differences. But the novel gave a completely different feeling to it and even during this scene where Kloff is knotting Aeroc, it’s a rape scene in the novel. Kloff forcefully took Aeroc to his home and locked the door threatening him that he couldn’t be able to leave his house until they had sex and Kloff made Aeroc his.
All around, in the manwha, they’re softening the scenes a lot and they’re giving more of Kloff’s thoughts to clean a bit his image. In the novel Kloff is forceful, domineering and possessive through and through and Aeroc loves those side of him the most.
To the novel readers.
Is this developing the same as the novel? I have some trust issues since there's manhwa that I'd not following the novel...