
Coccchanel April 19, 2017 9:28 pm

The story had potential that the author didn't use. I'm disappointed that she did not receive any closure with her father, her ex-fiancé nor ex-friend – not shown here, at least; the ending felt rushed and cliché. What type of resolution was that, for the MC? Why does she, the emotionally scarred and rejected, have to show love to people who aren't willing to care for her? What kind of message is that to readers? "Let people trample all over your heart and person – it's ok, you're showing them love, which makes you a stronger and better person" Really? #-.-)

    Comadrin August 17, 2020 11:49 pm

    The only proper closure for Danielle to have in regard to the flaming a**holes who betrayed her all her life is to tell them once, "You can all go to hell," and completely disappear from their lives. This god-awful concept some psychologists and fiction writers have that closure means making nice with a collection of gaslighting psychopaths has to be one of the most stupid ideas humans have ever come up with. It's the perfect example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Unfortunately, the person being put in hell is the victim who is supposed to make nice with the a**holes that are torturing them.